Basic Low Poly Chess Set Fianl


It’s a nice set. The wood grain not being aligned jumps out a bit. Maybe you can check your seams.

What @Tyger2 means is to make a good decision on where you make cuts (seems) in your UV_Map. For this to solve you need to study UV unwrap functions of Blender.

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I see, not sure if UV mapping was covered much in this section? I only played around with different texture projections, rotation, and scaling. @FedPete is there a good video somewhere for UV mapping functions.

Basically add seams at edges not seen by the viewer.

I have no clue at what part of the course UV_mapping has been handled. Because I did these course in 2016. Much has changed since then. Most people will click or use the defaults. But most of the time you need to manage those maps by your self. I found the UV_mapping in the environment course better.
But as I said, not sure how indept the course will explain UV-mapping.

So this to my first comment, add seams at the back, uv-unwrap and see.
On YouTube many many tutorials, choose the one with a Blender version you use.

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