Basic Level Layout - Order in Layer & Placeholders

For now, I’m not sure of what level I want. So I just have fun with order in layer settings and I’m gonna sketch the neighborhood.
Pen & papers, I’m coming!

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Ok, now it looks better to me, I have a direction for the level design :grin:
Not too many dead ends (from a game design perspective), I hope.

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Aaaand, the setup with GameDevTV placeholders. Nothing is accurate because I want to implement the gameplay before finishing the arts.

In blue you can see the rivers invisible walls (with the Sprite Renderer disabled in game).


Looks great, actually i am architect and urban planner; actually is not functioning but whose care it is game design, like the variety of roads and the use of different connection types, i made my custom road design it was based on grid roman design and modules.

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Hi. Thanks for the comment! I care :grinning:
You say it doesn’t work right now because of the too many unconnected placeholders roads or because of urban planning?

My inspiration is the city of Toulouse in the South of France and I tried to be quite close to the model (link below) :grimacing:

By the way, if you have any picture or a link of you custom road, I’m quite interested :wink:

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ah that make things clear, i just thought u made up network from nothing, in terms of game design it is free thing you can make your own without the knowledge of urban planning, you can add obstacles like cliff or lake to make reasoning for your road network shape.
Road networks in terms of urban planning with specific modules, you can make 3 types of roads (16,26,26m) wide and create the whole city with it, you can see Barcelona in Spain, or American cities it is easy and interesting to do like them, in order to make things interesting you can add different types of buildings in between them, that makes your city alive.
I would be happy to offer you some help about road networks, you can send me message and i can send you what i can to help u in that matter.
I know history of building of some cities network in France since the Medieval times, where the roads are narrow and not regular so it is fine also, but it could be harder on you to immediate the irregularity of the roads.

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Really interesting comment, thanks a lot :pray:t5:

One of my personal project is about this type of organic historic city, that’s why I wanted to start experimenting without the urban planning base of Sim City (grid-oriented and so on).

But it will be a pleasure to benefit from your knowledge about history of building and modern urban planning. I would definitely contact you in the not so distant future for this :grinning:

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