Basic Boost - Build Problems

Play here:

Something weird is happening with my build. When I run it on Microsoft Edge it plays fine except it looks like the skybox coloring is layering on top of my game objects or something. The walls, obstacles, and background all appear as a solid color in Unity, but they have a sunset-looking gradient on the internet. Has anyone experienced something like this? I don’t know what to do about it.

I also tried playing the game in Google Chrome, but it plays with no sound. Would someone test my game on their computer and let me know if they’re seeing the same thing?

Hello Grace,

I have just played your game via Google Chrome using your link above.

The background appears to be dark grey like the other main walls. There is sound.

On the second scene you have an obstacle moving up and down, it appears to have a light at the bottom of the obstacle, if I move the ship near it, the front face of the obstacle lights up also - I’m assuming this is more to do with the transform positions of the GameObjects rather than an issue with WebGL though. After the final scene I was returned to the beginning.

All particle effects, audio and movement appear to be working as intended. Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thank you, I’m glad to hear it might just be something with my computer!

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