Base-Stem w Screws

So, I have no idea why we did the whole grease-pencil section? I’m no good with 2D-drawing - so it was just confusing and frustrating to me. I think I prefer simple place-holders if I had to put together a more complicated scene? Or does that create problems in the future?

Anyways, I am glad we are now back to modeling.
Here’s my lamp’s base/stem so far:


With grease pencil you can sketch quicke a idea / concept.
Or very organic structures.
The info can be used to create 3D objects then.

It’s just one of the many tools Blender provides.
And with the introduction of Blender 2.x grease pencil is improved highly.
And can be use to make 2D animations too.

If you don’t like, don’t use it. But it’s a learning experience!


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