Barrel, Crate and Pillar

Here we go - it’s a good practise to repeat the basic modelling techniques again and again - really enjoying it, but man, you talk so fast! It’s impossible to work along with the video (for me) :wink:

Need to pause about 20 times each lecture - the playback only allow 1.5 and double speed… could need a .66 speed here :stuck_out_tongue:

Aside of the speed: great explanation!
Love this part of the course so far!


Yes it is all very basic and easy modelling.

I rarely if ever try to watch tutorials and do at the same time. Always watch then do, then watch the next bit. Sometimes going back over a bit if it is not working as expected.

Pace is hard to be right for all.

Items look well done!


@NP5 is right about pacing, it is not right for all. But in the end, find a pace that works well for you. You can change your pace and learning methods as you go, you don’t have to feel behold to any, some methods might work better in some sections and not others. Just so long as you are learning.


Thanks for you replies :slight_smile:
It was not ment as critics - it’s just another tempo in this section as in the sections before.

It’s all good - love the course - need a few lectures to adapt :wink:


Did not see it as such :wink:

Many students, myself included, often have difficulties regarding pacing and how to adapt. You get into a grove, and then WHAM, a new teacher with the new section and a whole new way of thinking is thrown at you. It gets a little unsettling, especially when you had just finally got comfortable with the previous set of skills.


Great looking artwork!


The playback speeds can be set to 0.5x, 0.75x, 1x, 1.25x, 1.5x, and 2x.

There is a little cog in the upper right corner that you can use to change the playback speeds, as seen in the screenshots below.

  • If the video is playing, you won’t see the cog unless your cursor is in the video field.
  • If the video is paused, the cog should be visible until the video starts playing again.

I hope this helps.


Nice looking barrels, crates and pillar. Great job so far.


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