Barrel and Track meshes gone upon re-opening Tank project

If I close and re-open unreal my barrel and track are gone (not the meshes that have sockets) and I get the error:
/Game/Tank/Tank_BP : Can’t find file for asset. /Game/Tank/tank_fbx_Barrel
/Game/Tank/Tank_BP : Can’t find file for asset. /Game/Tank/tank_fbx_Track
/Game/BattleTankGameMode_BP : Can’t find file for asset. /Game/Tank/tank_fbx_Barrel
/Game/BattleTankGameMode_BP : Can’t find file for asset. /Game/Tank/tank_fbx_Track

Is there a reason Unreal wouldn’t save these or remember where it found them initially? I have not moved the original files since I first imported them… This also happens with my LayerInfo files, everytime I re-open my landscape is grey again and Unreal says it couldn’t find the asset for it…

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance if you can help!

Sorry no. Did you find out why?

I didn’t, sadly. But it stopped happening when I made a blueprint for the barrel and track. And it hasn’t happened again with any of the other projects I’m working on.


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