Ball Slowing Too Quickly After Launch

:))) I started this course soooo excited, but now I keep on staring the session list of videos and seeing I’m still on video 33 of 57 of this Bowling session and feeling like 20 years ago, one day before any exams in school. :smiley:
At this moment I just want the game to end! haha
…and to meet you in Zombie Runner! :slight_smile:

And please don’t get me wrong, I thank you a LOT for explaining these unit issue. It was reading you that I learned about it on another thread. Please keep on sharing knowledge.

And if Ben reads this, don’t get me wrong as well, I am absolutely loving this course. It’s tough and intense, but worthy the 12 hours a day I’m spending on it. I’m really happy!. Just exhausted. :smiley:


I totally agree with you :+1:

@Patryk_S Thank you! I am all for making the game the correct way. If it means starting again then I will. Your WebGL example shows how nice the bowling ball rolls down the lane.

I’m only asking you to keep in mind that you will have to skip some physical tweaks and you will have to use more realistic variables values, e.g. bowling ball speed.

According to the information I got from the website, an effective bowling ball speed is about 16-17 miles per hour (7.15264 - 7.59968 meters per second) measured at impact with the pins and about 20-21 mph (8.9408 - 9.38784 m/s) when the ball is released onto the lane, plus or minus one mph tolerance.
For example, if you want 8.94 m/s speed when the ball is released onto the lane you should set Rigidbody.velocity value to 8.94.

To get low friction effect we have to use some low friction physics material on the bowling lane and bowling ball. Just like in real life (they use oil conditioner). Just play with friction values to get the most satisfying effect. After that, test different Rigidbody.velocity values depend on the touch input panel (because we don’t want our bowling ball to move too fast).

The link is to purchase a bowling ball. I am not seeing the ball speed data.

Here you go:


Thank you Patryk. I found the data on another site. I have converted the data from centimeters to meters than started a different bowlmaster project. I am not at the bowling ball dimensions yet but the camera’s new view (in meters) looks about the same as in centimeters. Ben did state in the video that meters will be to large but that was with an older version on Unity. Either way I am learning more about meters. :laughing: Being in the U.S. I have not used the metric system very often. I am assuming that the bowling ball’s mass will stay the same at 7.3 kg.

The bowling ball rolls down the lane at the correct rate. I have converted the game objects to the correct ratio of 1 unit to 1 meter. It was worth the extra work!

Finally have a handle on the ball’s speed instead of trying to control the speed though the Angular Velocity. I have added code to make sure that the launchSpeedZ float stays within the acceptable range. I have made different variations to the pin’s weight and the bowling ball’s weight resulting in some weird results from the ball literally disappearing to having it fly through the pins like they were not there or when it hits the pins the bowling ball stops when it hits the head pin. The dynamic friction only has a range from 1 to 0 and that had some interesting results.
This game has been frustrating and at the same time it has provided some additional understanding to how physics works within Unity.

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