Baking images on a object for a game

I have a question, I want to sell some Blender assists I have created and sell them for game development. “And for my use as well” is there a way to bake images on a mesh?
like this sword?
the images that create the textures of the sword is what I want to bake on for example.


Baking is a standard part of modelling for things like game engine uses. GameDev’s Blender Character Creator v2.0 for Video Games Design course covers it pretty well.

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so this will show me how to bake image textures onto my mash? not taking a sculpt “High Polly” and baking that onto a low Polly mesh. because I’m currently doing that in the dragon sculpt course.

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Sorry no it does the standard baking high poly details including textures to a low poly mesh.

I am not sure what different you mean by images onto a mesh?

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You can also read, study on the subject on you publishing your project on

It uses the basic procedure of delivering 3D mesh objects including bitmaps as textures.

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