Background Canvas Image not working correctly

When we first set up the background canvas with the image on it it was fine, but now it appears like there is something in front of it. I have the Previsualization Canvas disabled, so it shouldn’t be that. I am pretty sure it was correct when I did the game title on the Quiz Canvas.

Here is what it looks like now…

Scene View:

Game View:

Inspector info for Background Canvas:

Inspector info for Quiz Canvas:

I just noticed on my Main Camera that it had been set to a blue color. I changed it to White and lowered the Alpha setting, but it is still wrong:


Could you show us a screenshot of what you have in your hierarchy (with all child objects in view)?


What do you mean by “it was fine”? How is your background image supposed to look? If there is a problem with the background image, also check the Image component to which the sprite/texture file is assigned. Maybe the alpha channel is not set to 1 (100%).

I think what happened is somehow the color got changed (alpha was fine). I adjusted all the RGB settings to 255 and that fixed it. It should be set for white so all the colors are full and it wasn’t.

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