Super excited to show off! I grew up with DX-Ball as one of my favorite games, so when the course went to a breakout game I just had to have some extra fun with it.
At first I called it “B-B-B-Block Breaker!” as just a reference to the “C-C-C-Combo breaker!” meme, but then I thought, hey, I could actually do something with the idea of “comboing” levels in continuous play instead of separating levels into distinct scenes.
I’d also added some thematic flavor text to the game over screen, and I figured “Your block has been broken!” could be a mechanic too, so instead of multiple lives I put a block under the paddle. Also helps reinforce that continuous play theme.
It’s still early stages, so there are a lot of features not implemented yet (for instance, I have no powerups in there) and aesthetic improvements are on the back burner (so when levels arrange themselves they just jump-to, without any animation). But I did get a few settings operational, and the core mechanics are all built. It arranges levels based on block count, so I had to work up 240 level layouts ranging from 1 to 112 blocks, with three different bottom row heights! Worth it!
Hoping to get some feedback from y’all about how the core elements work, and in the meantime I’ll get back to marching forward in the course. I was attacking it right up until I dropped it for this!
Also, I made the font, the sprites, and all the sfx, so any feedback on that stuff is also welcome. Thanks!