Axis scale in edit mode

Suppose I take the default cube and in object mode scale it by a factor of 2. The cube will now be 4m wide.

Then I switch to edit mode and in overlays switch on Measurement: Edge Length

Now, in edit mode, when cube edges are selected, their length before scaling is shown as 2m, although the graph paper style axes with subdivisions shows a length of 4m.


Is there some option to make the axes in edit mode show the dimensions of the object before scaling?

There is an add-on, I forgot the name, which shows you dimensions as arrows, like architect drawing.

A small warning. SCALING an object in world mode, is not the same as scaling in edit mode.


Thanks FedPete.

I’ve looked through the descriptions for add-ons that come with the standard distribution and can’t find it. If adding such functionality isn’t a standard feature, I’m not going to pursue the matter.


Measure it. the internal Blender add on is called.


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