Axis mapping doesnt work

Here is my code when i press “W” or “S” nothing happens in my output log

Did you reparent the BP_PawnTank to be son of Tank?

Double click on BP_PawnTank, Class Settings, Parent Class → Tank

I did

Could you show that please?

Could you add a log in SetupPlayerInputCimponent to see if that’s being called?
Also please use screenshots instead of a picture of your monitor.

Sorry I misunderstood your OP. I thought you meant you weren’t getting any logs.

Could you show the input mapping in Edit > Project Settings > Input

I’m not seeing an issue so would you mind sending me your project using the following link?

Please use File > Package Project > Zip Up Project within Unreal as this will ensure only required files are zipped up and things like the Binaries are excluded.

I downloaded your project and it’s working as expected. Are you sur you clicked inside the viewport first before pressing w or s?


If you use the drop down arrow from play and go to the settings

And check “Game Gets Mouse Control” then the viewport will automatically have focus when you press play.

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