Axe Game My Version

I had so much fun with the first section of the C++ Game Development course that I tried to expand the Axe Game with more obstacles to avoid and by adding a victory condition. I’m sharing the code below for anyone who wants to view it and give me feedback ^^

#include "raylib.h"
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
    // Set the Window
    int Width = 1920;
    int Height = 1080;    
    InitWindow(Width, Height, "Axe Game");

    float Rotation = 0.0f;    
    // Set the Circle and its edges
    int CircleX = 100;
    int CircleY = 100;
    int CircleRadius = 25;
    int RCircle = CircleX + CircleRadius;
    int LCircle = CircleX - CircleRadius;    
    int UCircle = CircleY - CircleRadius;
    int DCircle = CircleY + CircleRadius;

    // Set the Axes and their edges
    int AxeX = 500;
    int AxeY = 0;
    int AxeLength = 40;
    int RAxe = AxeX + AxeLength;
    int LAxe = AxeX;    
    int UAxe = AxeY;
    int DAxe = AxeY + AxeLength;
    int Axe1X = 1000;
    int Axe1Y = 0;
    int Axe1Length = 60;
    int RAxe1 = Axe1X + Axe1Length;
    int LAxe1 = Axe1X;    
    int UAxe1 = Axe1Y;
    int DAxe1 = Axe1Y + Axe1Length;
    int Axe2X = 1500;
    int Axe2Y = 0;
    int Axe2Length = 80;
    int RAxe2 = Axe2X + Axe2Length;
    int LAxe2 = Axe2X;    
    int UAxe2 = Axe2Y;
    int DAxe2 = Axe2Y + Axe2Length;

    // Set the Plats and their edges
    int PlatX = 0;
    int PlatY = 350;
    int PlatW = 150;
    int PlatH = 50;
    int RPlat = PlatX + PlatW;
    int LPlat = PlatX;    
    int UPlat = PlatY;
    int DPlat = PlatY + PlatH;
    int Plat1X = 0;
    int Plat1Y = 700;
    int Plat1W = 300;
    int Plat1H = 50;
    int RPlat1 = PlatX + Plat1W;
    int LPlat1 = Plat1X;    
    int UPlat1 = Plat1Y;
    int DPlat1 = Plat1Y + Plat1H;

    // Set the Edges
    int EdgeSupX = 0;
    int EdgeSupY = 0;
    int EdgeSupW = 1920;
    int EdgeSupH = 25;    
    int EdgeSup = EdgeSupY + EdgeSupH;
    int EdgeInfX = 0;
    int EdgeInfY = 1055;
    int EdgeInfW = 1920;
    int EdgeInfH = 25;    
    int EdgeInf = EdgeInfY;
    int EdgeSxX = 0;
    int EdgeSxY = 0;
    int EdgeSxW = 25;
    int EdgeSxH = 1080;    
    int EdgeSx = EdgeSxX + EdgeSxW;
    int EdgeDxX = 1895;
    int EdgeDxY = 0;
    int EdgeDxW = 25;
    int EdgeDxH = 1080;    
    int EdgeDx = EdgeDxX;

    // Set the Obsts and their edges
    int ObstX = 25;
    int ObstY = 200;
    int ObstW = 500;
    int ObstH = 400;
    int RObst = ObstX + ObstW;
    int LObst = ObstX;
    int UObst = ObstY;
    int DObst = ObstY + ObstH;

    int Obst1X = 625;
    int Obst1Y = 25;
    int Obst1W = 100;
    int Obst1H = 625;
    int RObst1 = Obst1X + Obst1W;
    int LObst1 = Obst1X;
    int UObst1 = Obst1Y;
    int DObst1 = Obst1Y + Obst1H;

    int Obst2X = 25;
    int Obst2Y = 900;
    int Obst2W = 1035;
    int Obst2H = 155;
    int RObst2 = Obst2X + Obst2W;
    int LObst2 = Obst2X;
    int UObst2 = Obst2Y;
    int DObst2 = Obst2Y + Obst2H;

    int Obst3X = 1060;
    int Obst3Y = 400;
    int Obst3W = 50;
    int Obst3H = 655;
    int RObst3 = Obst3X + Obst3W;
    int LObst3 = Obst3X;
    int UObst3 = Obst3Y;
    int DObst3 = Obst3Y + Obst3H;

    int Obst4X = 725;
    int Obst4Y = 25;
    int Obst4W = 1170;
    int Obst4H = 200;
    int RObst4 = Obst4X + Obst4W;
    int LObst4 = Obst4X;
    int UObst4 = Obst4Y;
    int DObst4 = Obst4Y + Obst4H;

    int Obst5X = 1110;
    int Obst5Y = 400;
    int Obst5W = 600;
    int Obst5H = 50;
    int RObst5 = Obst5X + Obst5W;
    int LObst5 = Obst5X;
    int UObst5 = Obst5Y;
    int DObst5 = Obst5Y + Obst5H;

    int Obst6X = 1400;
    int Obst6Y = 600;
    int Obst6W = 495;
    int Obst6H = 250;
    int RObst6 = Obst6X + Obst6W;
    int LObst6 = Obst6X;
    int UObst6 = Obst6Y;
    int DObst6 = Obst6Y + Obst6H;

    // Set the CoinBox and its Edges
    int CoinBoxX = 1745;
    int CoinBoxY = 905;
    int CoinBoxLength = 70;    
    int RCoinBox = CoinBoxX + CoinBoxLength;
    int LCoinBox = CoinBoxX;
    int UCoinBox = CoinBoxY;
    int DCoinBox = CoinBoxY + CoinBoxLength;

    // Set the Coin
    float CoinX = 1780.0f;
    float CoinY = 940.0f;
    int CoinDim = 35;
    // Set Actors' movement
    int DirAxe = 15;
    int DirAxe1 = 15;
    int DirAxe2 = 15;
    int DirPlat = 15;
    int DirPlat1 = 15;
    // Set Collisions
    bool CollisionAxe = //Axe->Circle
        RAxe >= LCircle &&
        LAxe <= RCircle &&
        UAxe <= DCircle &&
        DAxe >= UCircle;
    bool CollisionAxe1 = //Axe1->Circle
        RAxe1 >= LCircle &&
        LAxe1 <= RCircle &&
        UAxe1 <= DCircle &&
        DAxe1 >= UCircle;

    bool CollisionAxe2 = //Axe2->Circle
        RAxe2 >= LCircle &&
        LAxe2 <= RCircle &&
        UAxe2 <= DCircle &&
        DAxe2 >= UCircle;

    bool CollisionPlat = //Plat->Circle
        RPlat >= LCircle &&
        LPlat <= RCircle &&
        UPlat <= DCircle &&
        DPlat >= UCircle;

    bool CollisionPlat1 = //Plat1->Circle
        RPlat1 >= LCircle &&
        LPlat1 <= RCircle &&
        UPlat1 <= DCircle &&
        DPlat1 >= UCircle;
    bool ObstCollision = //Obst->Circle
        RObst >= LCircle &&
        LObst <= RCircle &&
        UObst <= DCircle &&
        DObst >= UCircle;
    bool Obst1Collision = //Obst1->Circle
        RObst1 >= LCircle &&
        LObst1 <= RCircle &&
        UObst1 <= DCircle &&
        DObst1 >= UCircle;
    bool Obst2Collision = //Obst2->Circle
        RObst2 >= LCircle &&
        LObst2 <= RCircle &&
        UObst2 <= DCircle &&
        DObst2 >= UCircle;
    bool Obst3Collision = //Obst3->Circle
        RObst3 >= LCircle &&
        LObst3 <= RCircle &&
        UObst3 <= DCircle &&
        DObst3 >= UCircle;
    bool Obst4Collision = //Obst4->Circle
        RObst4 >= LCircle &&
        LObst4 <= RCircle &&
        UObst4 <= DCircle &&
        DObst4 >= UCircle;

    bool Obst5Collision = //Obst5->Circle
        RObst5 >= LCircle &&
        LObst5 <= RCircle &&
        UObst5 <= DCircle &&
        DObst5 >= UCircle;

    bool Obst6Collision = //Obst->Circle
        RObst6 >= LCircle &&
        LObst6 <= RCircle &&
        UObst6 <= DCircle &&
        DObst6 >= UCircle;

    bool CoinBoxCollision = //CoinBox->Circle
        RCoinBox >= LCircle &&
        LCoinBox <= RCircle &&
        UCoinBox <= DCircle &&
        DCoinBox >= UCircle;
    // Set the Collision with the Edges
    bool CollisionEdgeSup = EdgeSup >= UCircle;
    bool CollisionEdgeInf = EdgeInf <= DCircle;
    bool CollisionEdgeSx = EdgeSx >= LCircle;
    bool CollisionEdgeDx = EdgeDx <= RCircle;
    // Game Logic
    while (WindowShouldClose() == false)


            Rotation += 0.5f;

            // Game Dinamics
            if (CollisionAxe)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (CollisionAxe1)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (CollisionAxe2)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (CollisionPlat)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (CollisionPlat1)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (CollisionEdgeSup)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (CollisionEdgeInf)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (CollisionEdgeSx)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (CollisionEdgeDx)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (ObstCollision)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (Obst1Collision)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (Obst2Collision)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (Obst3Collision)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (Obst4Collision)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (Obst5Collision)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (Obst6Collision)
                DrawText("YOU LOSE", 850, 540, 50, RED);
            else if (CoinBoxCollision)
                DrawText("YOU WIN", 850, 540, 50, LIME);
                // Update Edges and Collisions
                RCircle = CircleX + CircleRadius;
                LCircle = CircleX - CircleRadius;                
                UCircle = CircleY - CircleRadius;
                DCircle = CircleY + CircleRadius;
                RAxe = AxeX + AxeLength;
                LAxe = AxeX;                
                UAxe = AxeY;
                DAxe = AxeY + AxeLength;
                CollisionAxe =
                    RAxe >= LCircle &&
                    LAxe <= RCircle &&
                    UAxe <= DCircle &&
                    DAxe >= UCircle;                 
                RAxe1 = Axe1X + Axe1Length;
                LAxe1 = Axe1X;                
                UAxe1 = Axe1Y;
                DAxe1 = Axe1Y + Axe1Length;             
                CollisionAxe1 =
                    RAxe1 >= LCircle &&
                    LAxe1 <= RCircle &&
                    UAxe1 <= DCircle &&
                    DAxe1 >= UCircle;
                RAxe2 = Axe2X + Axe2Length;
                LAxe2 = Axe2X;
                UAxe2 = Axe2Y;
                DAxe2 = Axe2Y + Axe2Length;                             
                CollisionAxe2 =
                    RAxe2 >= LCircle &&
                    LAxe2 <= RCircle &&
                    UAxe2 <= DCircle &&
                    DAxe2 >= UCircle;
                RPlat = PlatX + PlatW;
                LPlat = PlatX;                
                UPlat = PlatY;
                DPlat = PlatY + PlatH;
                CollisionPlat =
                    RPlat >= LCircle &&
                    LPlat <= RCircle &&
                    UPlat <= DCircle &&
                    DPlat >= UCircle;
                RPlat1 = Plat1X + Plat1W;
                LPlat1 = Plat1X;                
                UPlat1 = Plat1Y;
                DPlat1 = Plat1Y + Plat1H;
                CollisionPlat1 =
                    RPlat1 >= LCircle &&
                    LPlat1 <= RCircle &&
                    UPlat1 <= DCircle &&
                    DPlat1 >= UCircle;

                RObst = ObstX + ObstW;
                LObst = ObstX;
                UObst = ObstY;
                DObst = ObstY + ObstH;
                ObstCollision = 
                    RObst >= LCircle &&
                    LObst <= RCircle &&
                    UObst <= DCircle &&
                    DObst >= UCircle;
                RObst1 = Obst1X + Obst1W;
                LObst1 = Obst1X;
                UObst1 = Obst1Y;
                DObst1 = Obst1Y + Obst1H;
                Obst1Collision = 
                    RObst1 >= LCircle &&
                    LObst1 <= RCircle &&
                    UObst1 <= DCircle &&
                    DObst1 >= UCircle;
                RObst2 = Obst2X + Obst2W;
                LObst2 = Obst2X;
                UObst2 = Obst2Y;
                DObst2 = Obst2Y + Obst2H;
                Obst2Collision = 
                    RObst2 >= LCircle &&
                    LObst2 <= RCircle &&
                    UObst2 <= DCircle &&
                    DObst2 >= UCircle;
                RObst3 = Obst3X + Obst3W;
                LObst3 = Obst3X;
                UObst3 = Obst3Y;
                DObst3 = Obst3Y + Obst3H;
                ObstCollision = 
                    RObst3 >= LCircle &&
                    LObst3 <= RCircle &&
                    UObst3 <= DCircle &&
                    DObst3 >= UCircle;
                RObst4 = Obst4X + Obst4W;
                LObst4 = Obst4X;
                UObst4 = Obst4Y;
                DObst4 = Obst4Y + Obst4H;
                Obst4Collision = 
                    RObst4 >= LCircle &&
                    LObst4 <= RCircle &&
                    UObst4 <= DCircle &&
                    DObst4 >= UCircle;
                RObst5 = Obst5X + Obst5W;
                LObst5 = Obst5X;
                UObst5 = Obst5Y;
                DObst5 = Obst5Y + Obst5H;
                Obst5Collision = 
                    RObst5 >= LCircle &&
                    LObst5 <= RCircle &&
                    UObst5 <= DCircle &&
                    DObst5 >= UCircle;
                RObst6 = Obst6X + Obst6W;
                LObst6 = Obst6X;
                UObst6 = Obst6Y;
                DObst6 = Obst6Y + Obst6H;
                Obst6Collision = 
                    RObst6 >= LCircle &&
                    LObst6 <= RCircle &&
                    UObst6 <= DCircle &&
                    DObst6 >= UCircle;
                LCoinBox = CoinBoxX;
                RCoinBox = CoinBoxX + CoinBoxLength;
                UCoinBox = CoinBoxY;
                DCoinBox = CoinBoxY + CoinBoxLength;
                CoinBoxCollision =
                    RCoinBox >= LCircle &&
                    LCoinBox <= RCircle &&
                    UCoinBox <= DCircle &&
                    DCoinBox >= UCircle;
                EdgeSup = EdgeSupY + EdgeSupH;
                CollisionEdgeSup = EdgeSup >= UCircle;                              
                EdgeInf = EdgeInfY;
                CollisionEdgeInf = EdgeInf <= DCircle;                                
                EdgeSx = EdgeSxX + EdgeSxW;
                CollisionEdgeSx = EdgeSx >= LCircle;                
                EdgeDx = EdgeDxX;
                CollisionEdgeDx = EdgeDx <= RCircle;
                // Draw the Circle (player_pawn)
                DrawCircleGradient(CircleX, CircleY, CircleRadius, SKYBLUE, DARKBLUE);

                // Draw the Axes (red squares)
                DrawRectangleGradientH(AxeX, AxeY, AxeLength, AxeLength, PINK, MAROON); //Axe
                DrawRectangleGradientH(Axe1X, Axe1Y, Axe1Length, Axe1Length, PINK, MAROON); //Axe1
                DrawRectangleGradientH(Axe2X, Axe2Y, Axe2Length, Axe2Length, PINK, MAROON); //Axe2

                // Draw the Platforms (green rectangles)
                DrawRectangleGradientV(PlatX, PlatY, PlatW, PlatH, PINK, MAROON); //Plat
                DrawRectangleGradientV(Plat1X, Plat1Y, Plat1W, Plat1H, PINK, MAROON); //Plat1

                // Draw the Map's Edges (brown edges)
                DrawRectangle(EdgeSupX, EdgeSupY, EdgeSupW, EdgeSupH, DARKPURPLE); //EdgeSup                
                DrawRectangle(EdgeInfX, EdgeInfY, EdgeInfW, EdgeInfH, DARKPURPLE); //EdgeInf                
                DrawRectangle(EdgeSxX, EdgeSxY, EdgeSxW, EdgeSxH, DARKPURPLE); //EdgeSx                
                DrawRectangle(EdgeDxX, EdgeDxY, EdgeDxW, EdgeDxH, DARKPURPLE); //EdgeDx

                // Draw the Map's Obstacles (brown obstacles)
                DrawRectangle(ObstX, ObstY, ObstW, ObstH, DARKPURPLE);
                DrawRectangle(Obst1X, Obst1Y, Obst1W, Obst1H, DARKPURPLE);
                DrawRectangle(Obst2X, Obst2Y, Obst2W, Obst2H, DARKPURPLE);
                DrawRectangle(Obst3X, Obst3Y, Obst3W, Obst3H, DARKPURPLE);
                DrawRectangle(Obst4X, Obst4Y, Obst4W, Obst4H, DARKPURPLE);
                DrawRectangle(Obst5X, Obst5Y, Obst5W, Obst5H, DARKPURPLE);
                DrawRectangle(Obst6X, Obst6Y, Obst6W, Obst6H, DARKPURPLE);

                // Draw the Coin (yellow polygon)
                DrawRectangle(CoinBoxX, CoinBoxY, CoinBoxLength, CoinBoxLength, BLACK); //CoinBox
                DrawPoly((Vector2) {CoinX, CoinY}, 6, CoinDim, Rotation, YELLOW); //Coin
                // Set Axes' Movements
                AxeY += DirAxe;
                if (AxeY > (Height - AxeLength) || AxeY < 0) //Axe
                    DirAxe = -DirAxe;
                Axe1Y += DirAxe1;
                if (Axe1Y > (Height - Axe1Length) || Axe1Y < 0) //Axe1
                    DirAxe1 = -DirAxe1;
                Axe2Y += DirAxe2;
                if (Axe2Y > (Height - Axe2Length) || Axe2Y < 0) //Axe2
                    DirAxe2 = -DirAxe2;

                // Set Platform's Movements
                PlatX += DirPlat;
                if (PlatX > (Width - PlatW) || PlatX < 0)
                    DirPlat = -DirPlat;
                Plat1X += DirPlat1;
                if (Plat1X > (Width - Plat1W) || Plat1X < 0)
                    DirPlat1 = -DirPlat1;
                // Set Circle's Impunts
                if (IsKeyDown(KEY_D) && CircleX < Width)
                    CircleX += 8;
                if (IsKeyDown(KEY_A) && CircleX > 0)
                    CircleX -= 8;
                if (IsKeyDown(KEY_S) && CircleY < Height)
                    CircleY += 8;
                if (IsKeyDown(KEY_W) && CircleY > 0)
                    CircleY -= 8;


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