Autumnal leaves

I went a bit overkill here.
I wasn’t happy with the trees, so added more branches, made the ground vary in height, raised the ground around the tree roots.
I Mixed a moss texture with a grass texture, using geometry nodes to get proximity to the trees so I could make the ground closest to the trees more mossy.
I used random object input value to make each of the leaves objects a slightly different HSV variant and offset them to make them more autumnal.
Applied HSV to the ground textures to match the leaves.
Then my background didn’t match, so I applied HSV to that too.
To top it off I used the depth value output in the compositing graph to blend the ground grid into the backdrop image to avoid a hard edge.


Welcome back, a lot of work. well done!

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Thanks! Good to be back. I went back to this, added Geometry nodes modifier to the terrain to scatter the trees around and mixed a Nishita sky texture with my HDRI to get a sunset. Noticed I had a gap in the middle, so put my rocks there for a focus.
I’ve been watching this guy’s videos on YouTube, interesting photography tips, which obviously apply to 3D renders too.


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