"Autos" box blank, can't add items to "Watch List"

I have been following Ben’s videos closely, but no matter what I do (and after lots of Googling), I still can’t solve two problems.

1: When I run debugging, the “Autos” box remains blank as I continue through my code. The only activity I see is in “Locals”. I’ve tinkered with a number of settings in Tools > Options > Debugging, but haven’t been able to figure this out.

2: While I am in debugging mode, when I highlight sections of code and attempt to right click > Add to Watch List, these options are visible but grayed out / inaccessible. The only way for me to add them to Watch list is to go to Debug > Break All, but I have no idea what that’s doing, and then the Watch List message provides a general error. See images below:

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! I can still continue on with the course, but I know debugging is going to be an important skill to learn long term.

My first issue seems to have been solved by changing around the break point. In lecture 37, I am seeing variables appear in the “Auto” window (however not all of the variables I’d expect…which I posted about as well).

Still not seeing the behavior I would expect based on the videos out of the “Watch List” items…

I’m assuming this is the same problem that’s now solved for you?

Yes, that’s correct! This was the “Debug” config issue. For those encountering same issue, see resolution in this thread: https://community.gamedev.tv/t/not-seeing-status-appear-in-debugging/21001

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