Automatic Deletion of Posts Disabled?

There is a problem with this picture… and it isn’t just with my limited artistic flair!

…couldn’t see that it was flagged, and 24 hours has passed…


Forum Gremlin

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I have done a bit of searching on Discourse and it would seem that the post is deleted, but not in the truest sense of the meaning. Deleted posts are merely hidden from public view, Admins, and clearly Moderators, get to see deleted posts … forever… having read through the posts about it there the general consensus is that this is better than totally removing them from the database.

Based on this I guess I will mark this as closed/solved (still don’t like it through, grumble grumble)…

There is a setting for this Rob…

… do you think we should make it immediate? If so, let me know and I’ll make the change to try it. If not, close this Topic.


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I would imagine it is rare that a user would want to un-delete something after they have gone through the process of deleting it, maybe reduce to 1 hour? That way they get a chance to un-delete but it doesn’t hang around for too long.

Doing now.

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