so i have followed everything and if i load my platform level from the first lessons it works but if i make a new project or go into any other project it doesnt work i have no idea why its doing this does anyone know how to fix? clearly it works but why only in one script and one alone?
Hi trendle,
Please go to Edit > Preferences > External Tools and click “Regenerate project files”. Did this fix it?
See also:
- Forum User Guides : How to mark a topic as solved
ok so i found the problem and how to get a short term fix atleast so within windows>package manager my visual studio editor and visual scripting keeps needing updated? ive done this like 5 times and it wont stay
any idea how to fix that? if i update it and do what you said it works but the next time i load one up or a new one it says i need to update them again? the files i have updated and tried working on load back up properly but shouldnt this follow through to new projects? i have got it working but only for the ones i have gone through the procces of updating those things and that just doesnt seem right that i have to do that every time
Great. If updating packages fixed the problem for you, you know that you very likely did not do anything wrong in your project, the Unity editor or in VS Code.
What exactly do you mean by that? The update got lost after you restarted Unity, and you have to update again?
If so, there might be a problem outside Unity. Where did you save the installation? In a normal folder on your internal harddrive? (The Desktop folder is a managed folder!) Do you use an antivirus program or a firewall that might be blocking Unity?
I think mine stopped auto filling at the exact same time as yours, since the last vscode update. The frustrating thing is that it appears to work for about 5 seconds and then switches off.
I followed the advise from the GameDev.TV vsCode issues lecture without success, and resorted to using Microsoft’s “Visual Studio” (not to be confused with “Visual Studio Code”). It practically works like magic with Unity, but I do prefer VSCode because it’s light weight, quick to boot and super responsive.
I will try and provide more details about my versions and operating system ETC. when I get back from in about a week, if a permanent fix hasn’t already been found by then. For now, I can say I’m using Windows 10 that was upgraded from Windows 7.
If nothing worked, I always recommend to use Visual Studio. As for me, I don’t use VS Code for C# because it’s exactly as you wrote: Even if you manage to make VS Code run smoothly with Unity, the next update could break VS Code again. That’s annoying and a waste of time.
I’m using Ubuntu 22.04 and VS Code 1.82.0 (so Visual Studio is not an option). I don’t see a “Regenerate Project Files” option under Edit > Preferences > External Tools.
I have the C# and Unity Snippets plugins installed under VS Code.
Any help would be appreciated as Unity has a lot of methods which are not usable without either knowing them or intellisense.
Any help would be appreciated.
what i mean is the update is still in files that i have loaded package manager and updated them manually as i just had to do it again going into lesson 2, but as just stated when i start a new file i have to load package manager update them again, and then regenerate project files, im using avg with a firewall yes as for were the the installation is saved idk to be honest
vs code is on my internal drive and as for the updates it just does it through unity without asking for location of save so not sure on that
This sounds as if either your operating system deletes files, or your firewall, or antivirus. Or maybe you are experiencing a bug. Have you already looked for the problem in Unity’s Issue Tracker?
If you look for the package that you have to update over and over again because the update gets lost, look for that package in the Issue Tracker.
i didnt see anybody else with my issue on the tracker, not really sure how to fix it
If you installed the latest stable version of Unity and if the issue is in that version, please report a bug to Unity via Help > Report a bug (in the Unity Editor).
im gonna see what i can find in some detailed searches and if i cant solve the problem ill be sure to