Auto Complete Not Working

Hello, I just uninstalled/reinstalled Visual Studio and now auto complete isn’t working:

I looked it up on and it suggested:

You can invoke the List Members feature manually by typing CTRL+J, clicking Edit/IntelliSense/List Members, or clicking the List Members button on the editor toolbar. When it is invoked on a blank line or outside a recognizable scope, the list displays symbols in the global namespace.

To turn List Members off by default (so that it does not appear unless specifically invoked), go to Tools/Options/All Languages and deselect Auto list members. If you want to turn off List Members only for a specific language, go to the General settings for that language.

I checked that Auto list was selected

You can also change to suggestion mode, in which only the text you type is inserted into the code. For example, if you enter an identifier that is not in the list and press TAB, in completion mode the entry would replace the typed identifier. To toggle between completion mode and suggestion mode, press CTRL+ALT+SPACEBAR or click Edit/IntelliSense/Toggle Completion Mode.


Issue Solved.

I didn’t reboot after reinstalling VS, so I rebooted and now auto complete is working fine.

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