Attempted rust

Tried a rust texture but I’m still not satisfied with the looks of it. Also found some artifacts in the lower side of those planks and the beam while rendering, gonna lift them up a bit.


Perhaps try a larger texture picture, since the repeats seem noticeable on the poles. Have you played with the shader editor yet?

If so, the below picture will make sense. If not, then don’t worry to much, you can return to this project later and rework it.

Bump: If you drag the “Color” node to the bump “height”, and the Bump’s normal to the Principled BSDF normal, it sets the mesh levels based on the colours of your texture. It provides a ton of improvement for very little effort and no sculpting. This means you can keep your object low-poly, yet have a higher poly look to it.


Nice texture on the wood. A well lit scene. Looks great. You can use Zangk’s suggestions to improve the texture.


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