Attackers not showing up after Instantiation

The Spawn code:

void Spawn( GameObject myGameObject) {
    GameObject myAttacker = Instantiate(myGameObject) as GameObject;
    Debug.Log("Spawned " + myAttacker);
    Debug.Log("gameObject " + gameObject);
    myAttacker.transform.SetParent(gameObject.transform, false);
    Debug.Log("Attacker Parent " + myAttacker.transform.parent);
    myAttacker.transform.position = gameObject.transform.position;
    Debug.Log("Position " + myAttacker.transform.position);

The output:

Spawned Lizard(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject)

gameObject Spawner (4) (UnityEngine.GameObject)

Attacker Parent Spawner (4) (UnityEngine.Transform)

Position (12.0, 5.0, 0.5)

The Attacker does not show on the Game screen, the Scene screen, or the Hierarchy.

Of course, the Attackers work when added to the scene.

I tried added a Sprite Renderer but still nothing.

Any ideas?

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I found the problem.

The Attacker was Instantiating in the Shredder. The worlld coordinates start at the Core Game for me, so I had to set the start x to 10.

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