Asset Pack appears to be broken?

I have imported the asset pack multiple times now into unity 2021.3.12f. During the import, I update dependencies when asked. After this a compile error stating an issue with the dependencies, after looking in the package manager, multiple packages are out of date. after updating high def renderer, universal renderer and shader graph 50+ errors are present ranging from CS0115 to Cs0246.

With some googling, some say changing the Manifest works, I had no luck. I have tried resetting to default packages in the manager, but No luck there.

Any pointer would be greatly appreciated, but currently, the terrain sample pack recommended is useless

Hi NJ021,

Welcome to our community! :slight_smile:

Could you please share the error messages, maybe as a screenshot of your console? And have you tried to update the packages in the Package Manager? Maby eyou have to install Shader Graph.

When you created a new project, which template did you select?

Hi Nina

Thank you for the reply, the steps I took are the same as rick in the video, import the asset, I then updated/installed dependencies when asked, and this gave me an error with a dependencies message.
After updating the HDRP, URP and Shadergraph packages. I was presented with many many errors.

Please see the attached image. The images show the various stages of errors and when they occur, typically after updating each outdated package required.

After getting said errors,i then thought perhaps I could get HDRP/URP/Shadergraph to load via one of the Project Templates you can download from Unity Hub when you create a new project. Unfortunately, as soon as the project begins to open, this is for both the HDRP project template and URP. Unity throws up a start in safe mode warning due to compilation errors. I thought this was odd as it is an empty project from a template from Unity…

With ample googling, the generic result was to completely remove unity and all its existence and start fresh, after doing with 3 times I am all out of what to try next. But in a nutshell, if I want to use unity for anything URP or HDRP related I simply can not.
Honestly, this seems like a bug within unity but I hope to be proven wrong.

Hope you can help with this.

Did this happen even when you create a new project? If so, I agree that this might be a bug.

From what I see, Unity released a new version yesterday: 2021.3.13f1. A few things with the URP were fixed there. Have you already tried to install that version?

Also try to run Unity with administrator rights. Do you use an antivirus program or a firewall that might be blocking Unity?

If the issue occurs with your current project only, close Unity and delete the Library folder and Temp folder (if it exists) in your Assets folder of your project. That often fixes certain issues too.

If you tied to create a new project with the latest version of Unity (2021.3.13f1) and the issue persists, please report a bug to Unity via Help > Report a bug.

Hi Nina,

Thank you for your help so far.

I have just updated to the new 13f, HDRP template still throws the safe mode error as before.

I made a new 3d project, where I only imported the sample terrain asset. After installing/updating dependencies the correct version of all packages was installed the first time. However, all the errors mentioned prior in my screenshot are still there, other than the initial dependencies error.

I have run unity with admin rights, if anything it made unity hub act a bit weird. Antivirus-wise, every time I install a new editor I’m prompted to allow the program through my firewall and I have each time.

So currently no real progress with this issue.

I have just filled out a report a bug form etc, detailing the HDRP/URP template issue as well as the blank project just importing that 1 asset and the endless errors it provides. I believe all this is related to HDRP/URP/Shader Graph not quite playing ball as I don’t really see what else I can do/try.
As it seems whenever anything rendering related that isn’t the built-in version Unity is just like no thank you ERROR!

For example, the obstacle course, and project boost, had no issues whatsoever. Soon as it came to rendering assets etc is a solid no from Unity sadly.

This is quite disheartening all in all as it put a hold on the course and is a passion project of mine for now…

The HDRP template will not work with the assets. The assets are a bit older and require Unity’s “normal” render piperline. That’s the “built-in” pipeline. For further information on Unity’s render pipelines, please see here.

Try to follow this instruction and make sure that the built-in pipeline is active in your project.

Hi Nina,

I haven’t used the HDRP template with the asset or as part of the course. I used the HDRP template to test whether unity was behaving or not, as the template is a known blank project with HDRP already set up.

When following the course and using the asset I have followed rick’s instructions and let unity do its thing with regard to dependencies and whatnot. Whenever I import the asset, Unity then installs HDRP, URP and Shadergraph, so according to unity the asset does need HDRP, URP and Shadergraph.

I will look into the links you have provided and see how I get on.

Thank you for the help again.

Same thing is happening on my end. I didnt notice the warning until I started the movement script. I tried to fix it and messed up my level entirely lol. Tried to re do the steps but same thing keeps happening with dependencies when I install terrain tools. I’m going to restart again and just not install the terriane tools this time I’m more interested in the coding anyways.

Just to confirm. @Nina, the has nothing to do with installing HDRP templates yourself. Following the course instructions to the letter and installing the package mentioned, causes Unity to install missing dependencies for that package which in turn result in the errors mentioned.

Since this is a beginners course, I would recommend that gamedev create their own assets which they can control and keep up to date in order to avoid confusion during the course. I’ve seen this in a few of your courses. You guys need to make the learning experience smoother, not complicate it. It is vital that you keep course material updated and add known issues and how to avoid or fix them.

Thank you for your feedback, @Dre007. I’m forwarding it to our team. :slight_smile:

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These errors stopped for me when i updated the packages to the latest version as you did just now. I’m getting another error now, not sure if it’s related:

The error messages tell you what you are supposed to do. Have you already tried that? Did you define any buttons in the Input Settings?

Yes, the settings don’t last, they reset every time.

The settings are not supposed to reset themselves. Maybe something deletes them.

Is your project folder on your internal harddrive, not in the Desktop folder and not in the Unity installation folder? Do you use an antivirus program or a firewall that might be blocking Unity?

I’m also having significant issues after using the terrain asset described in the course. As someone in a different thread pointed out, it has been renamed in the asset store. I downloaded and imported the asset and that’s when things went sideways. Like is described above, I went through and updated the dependencies. This made the console errors go away, but now my terrain model is like a dark blue-gray color.

That in itself is not a huge issue, though harder to build with. However, now when I download and import other assets, they are pink like their materials are gone. This is definitely something you need to address for this course since it’s for beginners.

FWIW I did delete my Unity project and start over again and have had the same problem both times.

Also, this is in Unity 2021.3.8

OK. I got it working. Here’s what I did.

  1. Reset to package defaults (under Help)
  2. Deleted asset folders
  3. Installed Terrain Tools again (if not in your project already)
  4. Installed the terrain asset in question
  5. When the popup for dependencies shows up, click SKIP
  6. After the asset is installed, go back to packet manager and grab Shader Graph from the Unity Registry
  7. You may have to create a new scene to get it to work right (I had to)

I did see a warning related to something in Shader Graph with a new version, but so far that hasn’t been an issue.


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