Array Selection problems & query

During exercise of producing an array ie stairs, my stairs veer to the right. I notice my Mayan pyramid is not exactly to the same size to the measurements given by Ben during the challenges in building this pyramid - they are very minor. I am sure there is a way to correct this, but my current knowledge/skills do not allow me to carryout out this correction - I tried repeating the array, but once again the stairs veered off. I suspect my pyramid is not 100% symmetrical.
I notice that in other exercises, I can only replicate what Ben does by copying the exact measurements/units he uses. At this stage any ‘freestyle’ or deviation from these measurements causes problems!
During the construction of my 3D models and with all my navigations in the 3D space, they end up all over the place. How do I bring back my generated 3D model back to an original datum point of my model to say 0,0,0 for X,Y,Z whereby I also get the correct end, side and top views? Is there a quick key combination? At times I appear to be slightly disorientated during my 3D modelling in these early stages.

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