Wanted: Speed Racer Fighter Pilots
Rogue Asteroids have entered our solar system. Earth’s Space Stations defense system was destroyed. Supplies must be transported from one space station to the other before the asteroids destroys them. Pilots my travel in either direction as long as they touch all landing pads before returning to the originating launch pad. It will take five trips to each landing pad to complete the defense system. Time is critical, Dilly-dalliers need not apply.
Built two Game versions, Pc and Web GL. PC version works nicely (large file). Had trouble with the web output. Had to increase the memory size before it would build. If you use the Web GL version be sure to wait for it to load. Firefox gives a warning that it’s slowing down the browser for a few seconds then the game starts. Edge plays jittery and Chrome is slow at startup.
Here are several versions of my game. Web versions were built with different memory size. They seem to response slower than the PC version. Web GL limitation?
Here are the Web versions
URL (Build memory size 512mb)
URL (Build memory size 384mb)
Download PC version Zip file: AroundWorld80Seconds.Zip (file size 130mb)
Game Tip:
Working through the tutorial my project had major changes. Trying Rick’s extreme suggestion, the project went from a tight complex maze to a solar system speed racer.
Still have a few bug to work out but for now this is my Rocket Racer.
I know we did not cover UI but as I was working on the game something was missing. Did not feel like a race. So I drop in a package I had extract from an earlier tutorial. The timer is not completely setup. Just needed a countdown and timer to give it the race felling. Grabbed some Free Asset from the Asset Store to spruce up the scene and add background audio. Tried to keep with the coding from the course. Used the oscillator script for the intro scene and the asteroids. No audio for the side and reverse thruster. Audio loops, sounds jittery. One of my many to do items.
Played with the rocket control a lot, trying to get it to respond quickly but not over shoot.
Web versions works best with quick taps of the keys. How is your control response?
Not sure why my projects is so big or if my code is leaving garbage. Perhaps I used too many assets? Tried turning off assets to see if I could reduce memory use, even scenes. Did not seem to help. It is my understanding that if the asset in off in the scene, it’s not included in the build. Am I wrong?
Game Development Stages:
The Launch:
The Maze:
Brain Storm:
Blast Off:
Thanks for sharing some of your time with me.
Any feedback is appreciated
I plan to upload this project to GitHub as soon as I learn how.