Armature modifier creates problem in animation when applying along with lamp movement

I have a problem in applying armature modifier for animation along with moving the lamp , something weird happened here when I play animation … Pls Help :frowning: :disappointed_relieved:
I really missed something or did something wrong


Oh, geez. That’s quite normal, actually. I had the same problem, although I sorted it out. You need to check: is deform on for every bone? are your bones correctly named after the vertex groups? did you group your vertices correctly, too?

I forgot exactly what my problem was. Any chance you can upload the file? I can look at yours as I have already fixed mine a while ago. I really forgot what I did, but it’s not difficult to fix :frowning: – maybe someone else can figure it out without needing the file.

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base stem arms anime.blend (564.0 KB)

here is my file …
thanks for suggestions , I am trying now to solve this problem , and it’s almost 10 hr I am stuck here
I will be really thankful if my problem will be solved

Actually this is my real file , previous file is just for testing purpose but nothing helped me even I did it again for testing purpose…:cry::worried::worried:Lamptest.blend (1015.8 KB)

Okay. Thanks! Let me sort it out and I’ll double-post with how I managed it :slight_smile:

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eagerly waiting for your respond along with solution :smiley::smile:

Ok, I figured it out :smiley:

It’s the animation data. You have it on the lamp AND the rig. That’s why there is a conflict.


Remember what Mikey said: you’ll need to re-do the base animation, but now no more flying parts :wink:

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I really appreciate your help but still there is some problem , while I move it, it behaves weirdly and sorry for consuming your time

Also I deleted the animation data as you can see under base lamp data

No problem! Let me take a look again :slight_smile:

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Okay, so by the looks of it, the lamp rig and the lamp itself are bound to each other’s locations. You can test this by trying to apply any pose, and it’ll give an error saying such. This means when you move the lamp, you must move the rig with it. If you do this, do it in object mode and select both items. That seems to work. Remember, you’ll need to clear animation data of the rig if you want to make the changes permanent without making it into an animated frame or it’ll keep going back to the recorded frame in the timeline and refuse the changes unless, of course, you decide to record the change. Seems to work for me!

Edit: I tried the same with my lamp, and it flies apart if I move my rig outside of the body, indicating that everything is working as intended :stuck_out_tongue:

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just digging into blender and can’t wait to apply it :stuck_out_tongue:
And thank you for your precious help:yum::yum:
I was really hopeless because nothing seems to work in past…
Thanks again…

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Absolutely! If you have any other questions, or are uncertain about something, do ask :slight_smile: I’m usually around in a particular section until I get far enough in the next xD and then I jump over to that one to help those that need it. In any case, can always send me a message. I’m not a pro, but I’ve been spending a lot of time on these things as I, too, run into problems and I try to solve them myself most of time instead of asking for help because I know it’s not always going to be available :laughing:

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Yes , It worked :smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile::smile:

Thanks a Lot buddy … :star_struck::star_struck:

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Ya Sure , It’s my first time when I asked for help and someone really helped me online :v::v:
and as a beginner I thought first that it’s a bug or maybe due to version difference that’s why I thought taking help is better:slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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And actually it’s 3 AM in my country but I thought I must find solution before sleeping:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Ah, nope. Definitely not a bug. Haha. Blender is quite mature at this point. I know bugs still exist, but we’ve not bumped into those yet. At least I haven’t. There’s the mesh update bug, although I’m not really sure if that is a bug or it was intended behavior. A rather annoying thing to deal with. I’m a beginner just like you, too.

Haha, wow, 3 AM. I’m glad I was able to help you out. Now you can sleep deeply, knowing that your problems have been solved ^–^

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well it’s nice to talk to you , have a lovely day ( if it is day in your country :sweat_smile:) , And I can’t reply anymore as it says new user can’t reply more in 24 hr…:thinking:

so just edited my previous reply

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Hey, you got this far without having any problems. That’s great. Problem-solving skills are useful with such a software. I will say that most problems that people have arise from lack of understanding how something works. This is, after all, why we’re taking this awesome course: to understand it.

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