Aria B-534


Here’s my result from the uv mapping portion of the course. I wanted to do a different plane than the Spitfire, so I opted for the Aria B-534 biplane. It was difficult finding a good texture, and the fact it was a biplane made the texture a bit wonky, but I did my best with what I had. Not super into uv mapping realistic textures, but I’ll dive more into that topic another time, as I’m getting more into low-poly stuff.

I had a bit more fun doing the animation than the actual uv mapping, I’ll admit.


I did find this section was a bit of a mash of different topics, vs the other 5 being much more focused. You’ve had a great result here though!

It’s very nice in any case. But as a Physicist I have a problem with that plane coming so low from between the houses :grin:. Great animation!


Nicely done.

As do the residents, I imagine! XD

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