ArgumentNullException _unity_self

I’m getting an ArgumentNullException in the console that isn’t pointing to any of the scripts I’ve created. I googled the issue and it seems to be a bug in certain Unity versions. I’m currently using the latest LTS (2022.3.7f1). The error repeats itself three times whenever I hit the play button.

Is there a way for me to safely change Unity versions? Or am I unable continue with the course until Unity squashes this bug?

After stopping and playing the scene a few times the errors suddenly disappeared, then returned a few test plays later.

I use this error as a reminder to take a break and restart Unity.

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Yes, the 2022.3.x “LTS” series as a whole has been less “Less Than Spectacular” rather than “Long Term Support”.

Downgrading a project is tricky business, and it doesn’t always work, depending on what’s going on internally with Unity between versions. (For example: There was a complete change to the assetdatabase in a version of Unity 2019 that caused it to be impossible to go back to the prior versions).

Here’s what you can do:
Create a new project in Unity 2022.2."Latest"f1
Copy (COPY, NOT MOVE!) the contents of the Assets folder to the new project (while both projects are closed).
Restart your Unity 2022.2 verson.
I can’t guarantee this will work, sometimes it just doesn’t. It’s the best way we have to downgrade.

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Thank you! This was actually much simpler than I anticipated and the errors are gone, at least for now. Marking this as solution.

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I’m pretty dissappointed in Unity 2022.3 so far. That being said, I’m crazy enough that I moved my up and coming game into 2022.3.5f1 a few weeks ago. Builds have been trouble free. The Editor itself, however, has a bit of a memory leak going on.

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