Argon Assault w/ mouse control (WIP)

I spent several hours finetuning my terrain, animation and mouse controls to make the most adrenaline-fueled track possible.

Player controls, if anyone’s interested:

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerControls : MonoBehaviour


[SerializeField] InputAction movement;

[SerializeField] float evasionTime = 1f;

// Goes from -half to half

[SerializeField] float xRange = 16f;

// Goes from 0 to total

[SerializeField] float yRange = 10f;

[SerializeField] float positionPitchFactor = -2f;

[SerializeField] float positionYawFactor = 2f;

[SerializeField] float positionRollFactor = 2f;

[SerializeField] float controlPitchFactor = 20f;

[SerializeField] float controlRollFactor = 20f;

[SerializeField] float rateChange = 120f;

Vector3 currentVelocity =;

float targetX;

float targetY;

float pitch = 0;

float yaw;

float roll = 0;

void Start()




private void OnEnable() {



private void OnDisable() {



void Update()






// Determine where the player is going based on mouse coordinates

private void CalculateTarget()


    Vector3 mousePosition = Mouse.current.position.ReadValue();

    float mouseX = mousePosition.x;

    float mouseY = mousePosition.y;

    if (mouseX < 0)


        mouseX = 0;


    else if (mouseX > Screen.width)


        mouseX = Screen.width;


    if (mouseY < 0)


        mouseY = 0;


    else if (mouseY > Screen.height)


        mouseY = Screen.height;


    targetX = ((mouseX - Screen.width / 2) / (Screen.width / 2)) * (xRange / 2);

    targetY = ((mouseY) / (Screen.height)) * (yRange);


// Translate the player

void ProcessTranslation()


    transform.localPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.localPosition, new Vector3(targetX, targetY, 0), ref currentVelocity, evasionTime);


// Rotate the player

void ProcessRotation() {

    float pitchFromPosition = (transform.localPosition.y - yRange / 2) * positionPitchFactor;

    float yThrow = transform.localPosition.y - (targetY);

    float yThrowRatio = (yThrow / (yRange));        

    float pitchFromThrow = ProcessThrow(yThrowRatio, controlPitchFactor);

    float desiredPitch = pitchFromPosition + pitchFromThrow;

    float yawFromPosition = transform.localPosition.x * positionYawFactor;

    float desiredYaw = yawFromPosition;

    float rollFromPosition = transform.localPosition.x * positionRollFactor;

    float xThrow = transform.localPosition.x - (targetX);

    float xThrowRatio = (xThrow / (xRange));

    float rollFromThrow = ProcessThrow(xThrowRatio, controlRollFactor);

    float desiredRoll = rollFromPosition + rollFromThrow;

    UpdateRotation(desiredPitch, desiredYaw, desiredRoll);

    transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(pitch, yaw, roll);


// Determine a throw's effect

float ProcessThrow(float ratio, float factor) {

    bool positiveRatio = true;

    if (ratio < 0) {

        positiveRatio = false;

        ratio = -ratio;


    float rotationFromThrow = Mathf.Round(Mathf.Sqrt(ratio) * factor * 100) / 100;

    if (!positiveRatio) {

        rotationFromThrow = rotationFromThrow * -1;


    return rotationFromThrow;


// Update each rotation value by the current frame's update amount

void UpdateRotation(float desiredPitch, float desiredYaw, float desiredRoll) {

    float changeThisFrame = rateChange * Time.deltaTime;

    pitch = updateNumber(pitch, desiredPitch, changeThisFrame);

    yaw = updateNumber(yaw, desiredYaw, changeThisFrame);

    roll = updateNumber(roll, desiredRoll, changeThisFrame);


// Update a number to approach a target

float updateNumber(float originalNum, float desiredNum, float changeAmnt) {

    float newNum = originalNum;

    if (newNum >= desiredNum - changeAmnt && newNum <= desiredNum + changeAmnt) {

        newNum = desiredNum;


    else if (newNum < desiredNum - changeAmnt) {

        newNum += changeAmnt;


    else if (newNum > desiredNum - changeAmnt) {

        newNum -= changeAmnt;


    newNum = Mathf.Round(newNum * 100) / 100;

    //Debug.Log($"Original: {originalNum}, desired: {desiredNum}, change by: {changeAmnt}, gives us: {newNum}");

    return newNum;



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Great work!

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