Argon Assault Progress - Sparkles & Explosions, Sounds & Music, Postprocessing

The game is slowly coming together, level design is hard though. It takes forever to make a short sequence and I’m basically cheating with Splines… I’m not really sold on the solid obstacles either because it’s very hard to tell if you hit them or not. Enemies still need work since they’re basically practice targets right now.


Nice game, I remember when I did Argon Assault, it’s one of those games you learn a lot from, I would suggest you try the rpg series, should be right your alley, with the art and such, i really like the silver obstacles but i feel like it might hard to differentiate where to go to dodge the obstacles, seems a little blended in, nice work as usual though!


Thanks. I don’t know that I’ll be doing the RPG series anytime soon, I kinda want to do the 2D course but I’ll finish this one first. Right now I’ll be moving on to Realm Rush while revisiting Project Boost and finalizing it with what I learned from Argon Assault.

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