Argon Assault: Legend of the Magic Broom (WIP Thread)

** Latest Build - V1 **

** Development Updates **

August 28: Level Beats + Timeline Animations

After a long break for WoW launch, it feels good to jump back into the project! :smiley: Since last time, I’ve added a few things: working score system, ability to control when you shoot, and various upgrades to the level. I’m beginning to transition into using Timeline for enemy & player movement, but having some trouble as I decided to grab some assets from the store with animations early on. It seems these are conflicting with the movement animations in the lessons. Whoops.

More to come soon, in the meanwhile… here’s a WIP beat chart from Lesson 110:

August 10: Map & Obstacle Brainstorm

I’ve been thinking a lot about the gameplay loop on the map. I’m attempting to segment my map into sections with purpose/theme. Here’s a copy of my current notes.

Current Flow

  1. Begin with introductory sections to introduce player to gameplay mechanics/movement (Vertical movement, horizontal movement, first enemies, first simple camera-turn)
  2. Build upon the core movement + shooting mechanics to slowly increase difficulty (tighter obstacle spaces, more enemies)
  3. Next type of obstacle mechanic is added at [Movement Skulls - Vertical]
  4. Mini Boss - Ideally this section teaches the player about the idea that there are larger minions that require extra effort to defeat
  5. Variation on [Movement Skulls - Horizontal] while moving over water
  6. In the section after Horizontal Skull until Final Boss will be the most difficult gameplay section with a combination of all previous mechanics + enemies
  7. FINAL BOSS: I’m hoping to slow down movement speed in this section to almost zero and increase his health so that the player will need to horizontally dodge his attacks while attacking. Once the player kills the boss, movement will resume as normal.
  8. LAPS: If a player completes a lap, I’d like to increase the difficulty of each following lap. Unsure how this will look for now… possibly increased enemy spawns or increased enemy health.

If you have time to play through the level or read through the notes, I’d love any feedback!


August 8: Playable Version 1

Hey all! I’m hoping to keep track and gather feedback on the current status of my project. Here’s a very first pass at a playable level-loop. I’m hoping to gather feedback along the way, so please tell me any thoughts, ideas or feedback - even if its negative! (That’s helpful!)

Implemented & Needs Feedback

  1. Player Movement
  2. Obstacles (What was fun? What wasn’t?)
  3. Environment/Level & Circuit
  4. Sound & Visual FX

Upcoming Plans

  1. Moving + Shooting Enemies
  2. Score Tracking [DONE]
  3. Menu System
  4. (Possible) Health Tracking
  5. (Possible) Power-Ups or Speed-Boost
  6. (Possible) Storytelling [STARTED]

6. 1. (Possible) Storytelling ooh That sounds intressting :smile:
First of all i kinda want to know what language they are singing in? Is it korean? (It fits very good with this style :D)
I really like the level in the art way, The assets fits good in this world. But the thing i struggled with sometimes when moving around, it was hard to tell where the camera will go next. And where my character will be alligned compare to the objects. But this is also the first argon assault game i played so i cant compare your project against anyones else but i can imagen this is someting that most argon games is struggling with? And also could be cool with checkpoints ^-^ (if you have certain amount of lifes)

You have done a very good job so far! keep it going :slight_smile:

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Really good! the controls are precise, aiming is easy. You’ve got the balance right where dying feels like a mistake, not something the game caused.

Music seems to suit the game and is nice and upbeat.

I’d love it if there was some sort of score coin or something that was in the arches so you felt rewarded for passing through them.

I’m looking forward to what you bring to it next, it already feels like something that you might see on an iPhone.

LOL… you should try mine! I can hardly hit anything in my own game!!

haha can you send me a link? :smiley:

Not just yet… I havent done a web build yet and I’m not loading up Unity tonight, its been too long a day!

I think I’ll get a demo online tomorrow night once I have enemies moving :slight_smile:

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Hey :slight_smile: Thanks for playing and sharing feedback!

  1. The music is just placeholder for now… It’s actually my favorite opening song from Naruto :laughing:
  2. Agree with your feedback about the camera sometimes making if feel hard to know where you’ll be next… I’ve been trying to do things like avoid enemies during turns (when possible) and giving clear path direction, but I agree its a struggle.
  3. Love the idea of either checkpoints or health, something that doesn’t make you start over from zero right away.

Thanks again for the kind words!! :smiley:

I’m really glad you’re feeling good about movement and aiming, I’ve struggled a bunch with both of them…!!

I’ve been brainstorming an idea to put power-ups or coins in the arches. Power-ups could do things like: triple-wide shot, explode on impact, faster travel time, faster shooting-rate… Hmm :thinking:

Thanks for the awesome feedback (as always :slight_smile: ). How is your project coming along?!

August 10: Map & Obstacle Brainstorm

I’ve been thinking a lot about the gameplay loop on the map. I’m attempting to segment my map into sections with purpose/theme. Here’s a copy of my current notes.

Current Flow

  1. Begin with introductory sections to introduce player to gameplay mechanics/movement (Vertical movement, horizontal movement, first enemies, first simple camera-turn)
  2. Build upon the core movement + shooting mechanics to slowly increase difficulty (tighter obstacle spaces, more enemies)
  3. Next type of obstacle mechanic is added at [Movement Skulls - Vertical]
  4. Mini Boss - Ideally this section teaches the player about the idea that there are larger minions that require extra effort to defeat
  5. Variation on [Movement Skulls - Horizontal] while moving over water
  6. In the section after Horizontal Skull until Final Boss will be the most difficult gameplay section with a combination of all previous mechanics + enemies
  7. FINAL BOSS: I’m hoping to slow down movement speed in this section to almost zero and increase his health so that the player will need to horizontally dodge his attacks while attacking. Once the player kills the boss, movement will resume as normal.
  8. LAPS: If a player completes a lap, I’d like to increase the difficulty of each following lap. Unsure how this will look for now… possibly increased enemy spawns or increased enemy health.

If you have time to play through the level or read through the notes, I’d love any feedback!


That seems like a thorough plan, and more effort than I went to!

perhaps instead of slowing the player down for a boss battle, which changes the pacing and movement feel, you could instead have the player ‘chasing’ a boss. the boss could feel like it is fleeing the player, and the player needs to destroy it before it escapes. I did a UFO like that in my level and it felt very dynamic, you could get a few shots in and then it sped away, only to slow down around the next corner. Lots of fun.

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I tried this game. and
it a very cool and beautiful game.
I’m wondering if you did all of those things yourself?
I love this game.
It’s what game should be.

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Thanks for the great suggestion! I messed around with some stuff and also found this was the best solution :smiley:

Such kind words :slight_smile: I didn’t make the assets myself, I found them on the asset store!! (I did make the wizard & broom, but those aren’t as cool ha!)

*** Latest Build ***

Build - March 3rd

*** Development Updates ***

March 3: Menu Flow + Collection

After taking some time away from this project, I’m glad to have jumped back in to get a few things cleaned up. I’ve added a Start, Controls, and Death menu flow - helps a lot to make it feel connected!

Additionally, I took some time to add in collectible orbs. The collectibles are hooked up with FX, sound, and add to your overall score now!

Next Steps:

  1. I’d like to get at least a few enemy animations in - possibly just the final boss.
  2. (Possible) Triggered VO + story text
  3. (Possible) Repeatable Loops

Thanks for reading - would love any feedback! :smile:

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Hi Phindah,
Do you have a new link to the game? I cant seem to access the “Build - March 3rd” link. I’m getting a “404 Not Found” page error.

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