Argon Assault Build Makes the Enemy Waves Different with Some Floating Around

After creating all the enemy waves for the game and checking it by playing the game in the editor, when I build it (either standalone or WebGL), the enemy “patterns” are different with some completely missing or motionless and several floating around seemingly at random. I try it in the editor and everything is fine, it’s just when I build it. Is there a common error I could be making?

Hi Alexander,

A common mistake when working with animations in Unity is to animate the wrong game object. That is fairly easy because if you accidentally click somewhere else, Unity might add a new property to the animation list, and suddenly, you are animating the wrong game object or the animation overrides the properties of that game object based on that single keyframe in the animation.

Open the animations in the Animation window via the Timeline window.

Hey @Alexander_Clemmens , can you check to see if your animations have different names? There might be an issue in your build becasue of that. You can read about it here

Or another issue might be framerate - in your editor you are caped at 60fps - in your build its uncapped an that messes up the timing.

I think this may be the issue. I copied a lot of animations and they have the same names in either the hierarchy or the master timeline. I’m not sure simply renaming them will solve it now, but it’s worth a shot. Thanks for your suggestion!

Hi Nina,

I think I got that part right. I followed the tutorial and created new timelines and then animated the enemies as animations within those timelines. Then I used them in control tracks in the master timeline.

I think my issue might have been in copying animations and moving the copy without renaming them. It will take some time to tease apart which animation in the timeline matches which enemy wave in the hierarchy, but I think I have to do something like that to fix it.

Thanks for your suggestion!

How are you getting on with this problem, @Alexander_Clemmens?

Hi Nina, giving the waves unique names did not fix the problem, but I noticed something else.

I had saved a backup scene and then changed the name of the scene and kept working on it. However, the build menu was using the old backup scene. I think that was probably the issue, but unfortunately, I didn’t notice before I deleted all the old waves in the control tracks. So, I have to replace everything in the control tracks now and see if that works.

I’m going to try building now and then as I go to make sure the enemy animations are working. The first few are working, so that’s good. (There are still ships floating around doing nothing. I think that’s because they are in the hierarchy but not in the control track yet.)

Anyway, I’ll keep working on it (slowly).

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Slow is the best way. Speed is a by-product of accuracy.

If you’re doing it fast and making a lot of mistakes, you’re basically rehearsing your mistakes.

You’ll get there faster and more accurately by slowing down, I promise.

Hi Nina,

I fixed the problem, which was that I was building using an older scene I had saved as a backup. The build using the new scene with the animations works.

Thanks for your help!

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