Argon Assault, advancing in game development

Hello all, I have made some significant progress on my Argon Assault project and wanted to share. Here is the Windows Executable build:

I have a SERIOUS flaw in this game, which shows up randomly. I don’t quite know how to fix it because I don’t know why it happens, but sometimes the player object falls out of the circuit following path. I think it has something to do with the enemy spheres, but …???

Please give me your feedback. I’ve thrown a lot into the scene, so it is somewhat of an experimental playground at the moment. Thank you!!!

I’m calling my version of the project, “Argon Sky”. This executable also works for Oculus Rift if you want to give VR a try. (Fore warning, my apologies for the water reflection, just don’t look down and you won’t throw up !!.. :slight_smile: )

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Very impressive particle effects. I like the look and feel of the game and the soundtrack works great with it too.

Are you using timeline or the circuit path and waypoint finder? Maybe with the acceleration it’s causing an issue.

Thanks @Kryptic for the feedback! I have a particular interest in particle systems, so experimented a lot to get the variations I have in the scene.

As for the path, I’m using the Circuit script (from standard assets pack) and the Better Waypoint Follower that another student contributed on this forum.

I’m not familiar at all with timeline. Can you tell me more about it? I am seeing the limitation of the circuit follower, and will want a better way of having a player stay within specific constraints while moving through space. My ultimate goal is to create a fly-through of a historic scene, where the player has some control over the player object motion, but is limited to a specific range. This will keep them in the area of the scene where I plan to tell the story (that’s the idea anyway.)

For reference, here’s my github project “Develop” branch, which has the latest Unity project code (note: some of the asset packs are not included in the gitignore filter)

Sure, timeline is covered in sections 112-115 of the Argon Assault course. (Unity’s Timeline Entry)

Basically, it will allow you to define an objects motion along a path per time. Say at 00:00 you want the camera at point A and at 00:45 you want it at point B. Timeline will let you animate the camera so it moves smoothly from A to B (rotation and position all defined). It’s a lot more work than using the circuit/waypoint finder but you have absolute control over the movement. Sounds like a good fit for your project.

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Thank you, I look forward to getting to the timeline section of the course. Appreciate your feedback!!!

i think this guy has a fetish for particle effects

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