Applying Rotating Mover only to a certain static mesh from a BP

I’m trying to implement the Rotating Mover suggested in the final lecture to rotate the door of a BP_Cell_Door. My problem is that I don’t know how to access a specific static mesh of that BP. When I try to rotate it right now, I rotate the whole thing (SM_Cell_Front and SM_Cell_Door).

My guess is that I need to add something extra when setting the new rotation so it only affects the part of the BP that I want to. Something like this:

GetOwner()->(here I need to select the SM_Cell_Door)->SetActorRotation(NewRotation);

Does it make sense to use something like…

UStaticMesh* DoorToOpen = GetOwner()->FindComponentByClass<UStaticMesh>();

I think this link might be helpful for you. Sounds similar to what you’re trying to do.

and this might be as well:

(disclaimer: I’m still new to both cpp and ue)

In my mind, I think being able to open a door in the manner that youre describing is going to be a pretty common thing. I think I would want to implement a BP that has a specific function that handles the opening and closing of the doors, so i might create a cpp component that has an OpenLeft, OpenRight, OpenBoth functions that can be applied to any door. Then you can make those callable.

I might actually play with that as I’m about to get to the same point you’re at in the course. (i’m still on the grabber section)

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