Apply_impulse works but apply_force does not

For some reason apply_forces is not having any effect.

if I uncomment line 5 (apply_impulse), the sprite will move.

apply_force on line 12 has no affect on the sprite. I tried closing and opening Godot but that didn’t help.

Any help would be appreciated!

Ah, I think I might know what’s happening. If you press F6 to run the Player scene by itself, I’m betting this will work, as there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong in this screenshot. That would indicate that the changes aren’t being passed on to the Player instance in your Level scene. This can occasionally happen at the beginning of a project when you’re still in the process of creating your object scenes.

If the Player scene works by itself, just delete the Player instance in the Level scene and replace it. If that doesn’t work, then something more unusual is going on and we’ll go from there.

Hello, thanks for the response.

I had tried running the Player scene as well as level_1. Just tried with F6 (good shortcut to know!) but no luck.

I just built up another player scene and it works. No idea what the difference is, but I can continue now!

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Odd. Oh well, at least you found a way forward =)

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