Apply Base not working?

I have sculpted the loin cloth with the grab tool but when applying the base in the multires modifier, the vertices in edit mode aren’t moving.


Then odds are they do not need to move. If the movement has not been great they will not need to move.


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Pretty significant differences when doing this, going further through the course and trying to bake normals with this doesn’t really work as the lp version is much wider than the multires version.


Been wondering about this. Could you try an experiment?
Add a couple of subdivisions to the base mesh. Just by subdividing it so it is in place for the modifier to use when it starts operation.
It will make the hp higher still but I do not think that will matter.

My thinking is there is so little geometry the ‘apply base’ has absolutely nothing to distort closer to the HP shape.


Definitely better but still not as close as I would like and I would have to go through this for every one of my armor objects w multires modifiers. Grant’s workflow was much easier and I’m wondering why he didn’t have to add these supporting loops to all of his items.

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Would it be because I have the level viewport at 4 and I need to do my sculpting on 0?

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Well that is better. So I think at root it is a topology issue.

The low poly or base mesh needs to have good topology for the item it is. Generally that would be roughly square faces. And sufficient to follow the shape much like was done on the creature itself for the LP.
When using the miltires, the original base mesh needs setting up right, so there is just enough geometry to shift in position by applying the base to better fit the altered sculpted shape.
Normals can only do so much in faking the shape.

It is always less good than the HP.
LP is not good thing in itself, it is a compromise to enable other uses, like games and animations lowering render/load times

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