Anyone use keyboard input for Block Breaker?

I’m getting frustrated playing the game with the mouse. I find it moves more than just left and right and when it’s off the game screen it sometimes causes the paddle to stop. I’m thinking of adding a play mode using the keyboard and wondering if anyone’s attempted that?


Since keyboard input would only let you move at a fixed speed (read "always too slow :rofl:), i would guess that wouldn’t a pleasant experience for a breakout style game.
However the textadventure game taught everything needed to build that variation. Just try it :slight_smile:

I guess I’ll have to give it a shot. Have it as an option so I won’t have to restore the mouse code.

I posted a new build with keyboard toggle. Lmk what you think. I played around with different speed settings and found the slowest possible that allows me to track the ball was the best (for me).

If you don’t want to search for the new topic, here’s the latest:


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Well, it’s playable for sure and works well, although it is quite a bit harder.
I just enjoy the game with the mouse a whole lot more. :slight_smile:

I noticed that you are able to move the paddle over the edges of the playfield, that was quite irritating.

The info (and options) screen did impress me (from my newbie’s point of view :blush:)
Oh, and the destroy-sound ist (still) really satisfying, love it!

Do you still plan to put a smooth transition in between the screens?

The one thing I noticed with keyboard control is you have to mirror the ball at all times. If not, it’s easy to get caught out.

I just noticed the paddle going off the edge under keyboard control. I never noticed that before. I’ll look into that. I know at some point I was experimenting with allowing the paddle to go off the screen except for a tiny bit to help the player deal with the endless vertical loops that sometimes appear (I notice it under autoplay but maybe that’s because it always hits the ball perfectly?). Maybe I didn’t unwind that completely?

I will be updating the game over time. I also noticed some other weirdness that I’ll be looking into and hopefully, fixing.


Nice! @bassman00, I like to play more with the keyboard than the mouse, it’d be great if you post your code to see how you handle that stuff

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