Has anyone tried URE 4 ver 4.19 yet? I would sorely love to get past this VS launch issue!
Has anyone tried URE 4 ver 4.19 yet? I would sorely love to get past this VS launch issue!
Same concern for me. I’ll switch as soon as possible and I’ll share encountered issues, should I have some.
I was using 4.18. I am now using the 4.19 preview. I haven’t upgraded to the 4.19 release yet. But, I haven’t had any issues with 4.19 preview. I think you’re good to go with the release version for new projects.
I’m a little concerned with upgrading to the 4.19 release because I’m in the middle of a project using preview. From my understanding, if the upgrade breaks anything then there’s no going back. Backed myself into the corner. lol…
Bleeding edge all the way!!!
Just an FYI…
I’ve upgraded to 4.19 release. It didn’t cause any issues with a project that was already started in 4.19 preview. Seems to be working really well overall. And it does correct the issue in 4.18 where the C++ Compiling message becomes perpetually persistent.
Hope this helps!
To anyone interested: I installed 4.19.2 and migrated the Battle Tank project from 4.18 to 4.19.
At first launch it had an error, stating something like “unable to compile project” and invited me to open Visual Studio to compile myself.
So I did: opened Visual Studio 2017, issued the rebuild command, it failed with a cryptic error from UnrealBuildTool. Reading further on the log it complained about two cpp file not having the corresponding .h file included as first header (the previous version hasn’t such requirement, it compiled fine). I made the corrections and it solved! Compilation went smooth and I was able to open the migrated project in Unreal 4.19!
Now it’s still rebuilding lightning (my PC is not lightning-fast… pun intended! ). All looks good, I’ll update this message as soon as I’m able to run again my Battle Tank project!
UPDATE: it works like a charme!