I have a really weird requirement - basically, I am using a VR gallery component that does not work with the XR Origin camera, so I solved that problem by combining the hand controllers of XR Origin with the cameras of OVR Player Controller (from the Oculus SDK). This has worked perfectly and I created a number of scenes that did not require movement - however, now I have come on to looking at adding teleportation for a menu scene - this is causing me a problem as the “player” game object is essentially separate from the XR Origin object. When I click on a part of the Teleportation area this transports my hands to that position but not my camera. I have tried nesting the OVR Player Controller under the XR Origin object and setting the XR Origin object camera to be my player camera - to no avail.
Is there a way I can change the object that is being teleported on pressing the grip button? I have struggled to find where in the scripts for any of the interaction managers or teleport areas this function occurs. I am also open to suggestions of other ways I could create my hybrid monstrosity - or other potential advice.
I am wondering about also just matching my player object position to that of the hands on teleporting as a workaround.