Hi, I recently started taking the new Unreal Engine 5 C++: Make Your Own Action Combat Game course. I’m having trouble understanding the functions and key concepts, or probably don’t understand anything at all. The instructor, Luis Ramirez, goes through everything so quickly while lacking clear explanation that it makes it difficult to grasp information. However, I’ve never used C++ in Unreal Engine before, so this is understandable. I see on the website it said this is an intermediate course and thought I might be suitable, but I clearly have underestimated it. If someone has any supplementary videos or courses that I should take, or even advice that would help, please help!
What should I do?
Drop the course or continue?
My background:
I’m quite familiar on an intermediate level; I’d say my C++ is 6/10. Also, I did take some additional C++ courses, including one from GameDev.tv + Stephen Ulibarri.
I’ve created plenty of Unreal Engine cinema scenes, but I primarily use blueprints.