Any recommendations?

Hi, I recently started taking the new Unreal Engine 5 C++: Make Your Own Action Combat Game course. I’m having trouble understanding the functions and key concepts, or probably don’t understand anything at all. The instructor, Luis Ramirez, goes through everything so quickly while lacking clear explanation that it makes it difficult to grasp information. However, I’ve never used C++ in Unreal Engine before, so this is understandable. I see on the website it said this is an intermediate course and thought I might be suitable, but I clearly have underestimated it. If someone has any supplementary videos or courses that I should take, or even advice that would help, please help!

What should I do?
Drop the course or continue?

My background:
I’m quite familiar on an intermediate level; I’d say my C++ is 6/10. Also, I did take some additional C++ courses, including one from + Stephen Ulibarri.
I’ve created plenty of Unreal Engine cinema scenes, but I primarily use blueprints.

The course expects you to have a knowledge of C++and exposure to unreal. If you’ve never used C++ then it is definitely the wrong course to start with. The Unreal 2d course or the Unreal beginners C++ course would be better. Note the beginners course is not beginners C++ but unreal in general. There’s also a C++ fundamentals course meant for beginners that would help. I would consider this and the 3d beginners course a good place to start.

I hope this helps.


Given your background, it sounds like you’ve taken our C++ Fundamentals course already and you have some prior experience with C++ outside of the context of Unreal Engine.

While Unreal 2D would be a lighter load on the C++ front, I would actually go with Unreal Beginner C++ as that was the intended jump-to point from C++ Fundamentals.

I don’t think you need to drop the Action Combat course, but you could take both the Unreal Beginner C++ and Action Combat courses in tandem. This keeps things in the 3D context while you shore up your understanding of Unreal Engine.


Hey, thanks for your response. I want to further ask something.

[Unreal Engine 5 C++ Developer: Learn C++ & Make Video Games]

Is that the correct beginner C++/Unreal course?
I see this course is working with UE versions 5.0 and 4.2, and I’m using 5.3. I’m really not sure if it’s compatible to follow, and I really don’t want to download an older version.
Can you provide me the most common issues I might face during this course while using UE 5.3?

That’s the one… Honestly, between 5.0 and 5.3 the largest changes are to the the input system as far as this course is concerned. It got updated but you can still use the old one for the purpose of following the course. For the 2 sections in 4.27 (BTW, 4.2 goes back to 2015 or sonething, 4.27 was released about 5 months before 5.0 and shared a lot of common code) mostly, the UI is different but the code is similar enough to not cause issues. People follow in 5.3 all the time so most issues will be shared already. By the time you reach the toon tanks section you’ll know enough to follow the course.

I would recommend the course anyway and will give you enough knowledge to go on to the other courses. Hold off on multiplayer though until you have a good bit of experience as it is more advanced.

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Hi, thank you for your response.
Just letting you know the course has been alright. I ran into a few minor problems in the Warehouse Wreckage game, and I’m still working on it. So far, so good.
I took a sneak peek into Obstacle Assault and found that the instructor, Sam, used Visual Studio code. I was wondering if I could use Visual Studio and get away with it without significant errors.
I also noticed the input action mappings note, and it led me to 5 episodes of Steven Ulibarri’s series on YouTube. Does that mean that I need to also watch those in order to follow lectures?

Use Visual Studio. It’s a more reliable experience. I use rider which is better again.

You don’t need to use VS Code and the UE community at large recommend against it.

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You might actually run into less problems using Visual Studio vs VS Code. But your mileage may vary.

No, it’s just that newer versions of UE5 utilize the Enhanced Input System when creating projects using the templates as opposed to the older input system that is utilized in the course content. The videos are there if you want to use Enhanced Input instead (which students using newer versions of UE generally want to do). This should give you the necessary knowledge to convert what’s shown with the old input system into the enhanced input system.

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@Haitham I agree here with Tuomo re the input (sorry I missed that part as was answering on my phone). The videos are a lot to take in however and is a fairly deep dive into the enhanced input. Kaan has done a nice short course, 90 minutes, which covers enhanced input and the 2D course also covers this. It seems overwhelming until you see someone else do it and then it becomes incredibly simple to do.

If you have any of the other courses, have a peek to see if they use enhanced input and watch the videos showing how it is set up. Usually it takes 10-15 minutes start to end.

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Thank you so so much, I’ll let you guys know if I run into any more problems

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