Any plans to update additional courses?

Hello, I’ve recently bought a few of your courses on Udemy. The Complete C# Unity Developer 2D mentioned that it was being updated for Unity 2018. I am wondering if additional courses are going to be updated as well. I am somewhat more interested in learning 3D than 2D, but I don’t know if I’m going to run into API issues if I purchase the Complete C# Unity Developer 3D. Thanks for any information you can provide.

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Hi Zafaron,

I believe Mikey has just started to remaster the main Blender course, focusing on the 2.8 version.

I’m not sure whether the team have plans to redo the Unity 3D course, that was is still fairly young and was created using Unity 2017. Regarding the API changes, I think to date the biggest change I’ve seen was from 4.x to 5. After that there have only been relatively minor things, most of the other changes are new features such as Timeline, Cinemachine and so on. If you’ve already worked your way through the Unity 2D course, whether you started on the original or the remastered version or maybe even both, I don’t think you’ll find any significant issues taking the Unity 3D course. You’ll most likely overcome and minor problems just through your own existing experience. If there is anything more significant you, obviously, have access to the Q&A, Discord and the community here where you can post and ask for any help you might need.

Hope the above helps :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply Rob. I am looking forward to learning more about Unity & Blender. I haven’t tried the new 2.8 Beta for Blender yet but I’m glad that the course is being updated for it. The folks over at Blender seemed pretty excited about the new changes coming up.

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You’re very welcome - I hope you’ll give the Unity 3D course a go, there are some fun projects to create in it :slight_smile:

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