Any courses or suggestions on how to learn GDScript

Hi there

I want to learn how to program and bought the complete 2D tutorial for Godot, but for some reason my brain just cant remember what im being told, i do everything in the tutorials and even change things a bit up, but when it then comes to creating my own thing i get totally stuck because i cant remember a single thing when it comes to the coding part, any ideas or suggestions on how to overcome this or any courses that really focuses on this. I have learned about all the different data types and if, elif and else statements and all that stuff, i just still cant really seem to remember a lot of stuff when it comes to coding.

all help is appreciated :slight_smile:

Morning :wave:

For me personally, thats totally normal and I think its different for everyone how to overcome it initially, but dont feel frustrated that you cant remember things when you look at a blank project and wonder where to start. no-one will remember it all.

I can almost guarantee that you have learned, its just recalling the specifics but you have a better idea now on what to search for help on, and that will take practice.
for me, there were times that i didnt know how to do a challenge say, but as soon as something came up on the screen for a step to do, it was ah, i sort of remember that.

I found while learning, that id have the godot docs to hand, which are pretty decent. but having a rough idea what you want to achieve is a start as this will allow to be more specific in a search on how to do a thing.

bur for some coding practice, there are 2D and 3D tutorials in the godot docs that are pretty good to work through and well documented for the most part.

i do it quite often, rather than trying to make a full game etc. id try and create a new scene in a project and do a little self challenge. it could be just moving a box around the screen with the arrow keys, or displaying a counter in a text box when the game runs.
but id keep that project, just for those little challlenges so I can look back at each scene at a later date if i need to for reference.

i find that the smaller individual challenges, for me personally, gives that little win feeling and self encouragement to try something different the next day…

the community here is awesome too, plenty folks here that will share their experiences or even just for a chat about things on their learning journey.

Keep chipping away at the learning and have fun with it



One small thing I can add to an excellent answer:

When doing this, it’s frequently a good idea to write pseudocode, especially when trying to work out how to do something complicated. It allows you to think about algorithm design without being bogged down by exact syntax (which you can just look up as necessary - learning the abstract concepts is a lot more important). Once you’ve got your algorithm roughed out, even if just partly…


what in da heck is pseudocode, sorry im new to all of this stuff haha
i searched on the term, and since english isnt my first language, i had some problems trying to understand it :confused:

Pseudocode just means to write out the steps in your own language on what you want to happen, just a bit more natural to follow along.

Just so you have a list of steps, then you can always figure out after that how to write it in gdscript.


Ah, no problem. “Pseudo” basically means “pretends to be” (as in, the stuff they serve you on airplanes is “pseudo-food”, haha!)

Pseudocode is basically programming logic written in plain English, without any specific programming language involved. Rough notes. For example, let’s say you want a set of five unique random numbers from 1 to 10. There’s more than one way to do that, and as you experiment, you might write some rough notes that look something like this:

  • create temp rand number from 1 to 10
  • for every rand number saved in “stored numbers” list so far:
    • compare stored number to temp number
    • if equal, break loop, dump temp, and regenerate a new temp to try again
  • when loop finishes, we know temp is unique; save temp to list
  • if list has 5 numbers in it, yay! Otherwise create another temp and continue

Exact syntax can be researched later, once you realize you’re going to need a list (or equivalent), a loop, and something to generate random numbers. The more complex the algorithm, the more useful this tactic becomes =)


Ah okay interesting, thank you for your answers guys ! Will try to do it :blush:


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