Anti-aliasing problem with my sprites - how to solve it

Hey guys.

Iam still working on my BlockBreaker remake. Instead of blocks Iam using different shapes like circles (2D spheres?) like this one:

And the problem I have here is with the aliasing effect, becaus the original image is completely smooth while this end result is obviously not.

The sprite is originaly solid 800px in size so I have it set to 400px per unit to fit in the screen, format is truecolor.

I’ve been googling around and found Unity’s quality settings for anti-aliasing solving but it didnt chane a thing. Is it because Iam actually making a 2D project and those settings are meant for 3D ?
What else can I do to highten the quality of the end image?

Any help would be greatly apreciated. Thanks.

Solved partially my problem by enabling Mip Maps, but as you can see on the image below it doesn’t solve it with all the objects:

Help still needed with the heart.

The heart is a multi sprite (3 sprites) that has 2100 px larger side, so I have set it to Max size 4096, truecolor format and Mip Maps enabled. Its 700 px per unit. Any suggestions welcomed. Thanks!

Heck, I just redid the whole thing and it works fine now. But I did not use a multi sprite, instead I imported all sprites individually.

Case closed. But any explanations of the problem still welcomed.

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