Anti-Aliasing Label3D text (Godot3D - Polish and Balance)

When running the project, if you compare the text on the Label3D under the Base node with the text on the Label under the Bank node, you can see jagged edges on the Label3D text. Is there any anti-aliasing option to fix this?

I tried playing around with the options a bit and it looks a little better when I check the Use TAA box, but whenever the value changes, there is a smudge effect on the text.

Note: Edited to see if I can add back the tag of the lecture this question relates to. (33_BB_G3D)

have you got a screenshot please, just so we can see the difference when you get the smudging effect .

Use TAA box checked with MSAA 3D 4x (Slow)

Looks ok at the start when value is not changing:

Use TAA box unchecked with MSAA 3D 4x (Slow)

I am using version 4.1.2 Foward+

Can I get a follow up here? As you can see the “4” in the first pic is smudged. If I have the TAA box unchecked, the text looks jaggedy (third pic).

Sorry, that’s my fault for not getting back. I messed up the bookmarking.

I was trying a couple things to see if I can replicate, I wasn’t sure if it was maybe something in the font itself.

If you wouldn’t mind, is there any way you can zip the project folder up and pop it online somewhere I could grab it so I can try and get the same.

have you came across this when you were working through it at all @Marc_Carlyon ?

Thanks for looking into this! Not sure if my project folder files would help though, but here’s the google drive link:

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got it. its a strange one. its almost like the antialiasing takes a while to kick in.
on the label3d, if i zoom in on the editor, if i remove the font and bump the size up to 900 for example and not move the mouse over the editor, it looks really apparent and not smooth.

but, when i move mouse over editor, it starts to try and smooth it out, then a couple seconds later it seems to try again and clears it up.
noticed a similar thing when running the game, its almost like its slow to clear up the edges, but i did see a change just before the number ticked to next one.

ill have another look tonight when i finish work.

I’ve checked my project today and i get the same issue.
I am yet to find a solution but i think i have pinned down a root cause.

In the base we wanted the label to always face the camera in case we ever rotate the base and to do this we had to use a label3d node and not the UI version of the label.
In doing this the settings are different and there are a few options that affect this. The Pixel size, The Font size and the outline size.

Now i havent managed to work out settings that improve this but the tooltip says to increase the font size whilst decreating the pixel size at the same time.

As said i havent worked out settings that work but this is the reason that we get the issue because in the label 2D we are using a 64 size for font and in the label 3D for the base we are using 500. Quite a bit of a difference.

Hopefully playing with these values will yield a better result but so far i am not having much luck improving it especially with the outline forcing itself to a size dependant on the font size (IE 1000 font size forces the outline to 127 for some reason)

Hope this at least gives you a thread to pull on.

Edit :- I added a seperate Label2D to the main scene to show the difference between the 2D and 3D nodes

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I have to admit im stumped.

i tried going into the import settings of the font itself to see if disabling the AA there changed anything.

but, no matter what i seem to do or test. i sometimes (not always) see the slight blur of distortion on the numbering, but it clears up after a couple of frames.

im wondering as Marc was saying, there might just be a difference in how the label3d is rendered as opposed to a UI canvas node.

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