Another way to break the crate with blender

Hi. I liked the lesson but I’ve found a way to automatize the way to destroy the crates faster and randomly.
It uses the addon cell fracture on blender so it’s free.

First of all delete all the object from the scene in blender. Import the .fbx of the crate and add a second material to it (It will be used to render the inside of the crate)
Activate the addon Cell Fracture and set the material 1.
Start it and ctrl-z and repeate if it doesn’t work properly (lowering the source limit could help)
Then delete the original prefab form the scene and export with format “.fbx for Unity”.
Once it’s imported in unity just follow the course adding the rigidbody and meshcollider.

this is a preview of the result:

Grenade Action 2.0

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I know you pasted this several months ago, but I found this helpful. Thanks!

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