Hello everyone! If you’re using GIMP to create your cracked brick sprites, there are filter tools you can use to easily add nice-looking cracked textures.
If you’ve prepared your sheet as Okily Dokily described (see the lecture around the 3 minute mark), then you should have your two damaged brick sprites on their own layers. Select the layer of the brick you want to crack up, then go to Filters >> Distorts >> Mosiac… This should open a dialog box with several options and a preview box for your changes. Customize these settings as you please, but I would recommend turning off color averaging and setting color variation low.
For the best effect, you may want to apply the filter to the first layer, then duplicate it, and apply the filter again, this time with a smaller tile size. This will keep the cracks consistent between levels of damage.
Here’s my spritesheet exported from GIMP as a PNG. Enjoy!