Another recommendation - Git Tower

I just wanted to throw my recommendation into the mix for others wanting to see what else is available in the version control GUI market.

I use quite a few alongside each other, mainly for reasons of keeping my work, and personal projects separate, however as Ben said in the video, each have their up & down sides. My advice, find one that suits you, and how you want to work, and of course how complex your management of your repo is going to be.

One I have been absolutely loving this last year or so, is Git Tower, now it isn’t free, but in my opinion, it is the simplest most feature rich offering at the minute.

I wont go into listing its features, as you can check them our for yourself, but I will say it is the most stable out of all the ones I use, and by far the easiest to use for both basic, and complex git operations.

The link: Git Tower

** Disclaimer: I have in no way been paid, promoted or asked to promote this, now will I gain anything from doing so… Im just a fan, wanting others to benefit from my experiences :slight_smile:

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