Another Pickup Type

Here is my pick up script for anyone like me who isn’t a fan of the whole run over something to pick it up.
I left it mostly blank so that it can be easily customized.

void Update()




       //Place your item pickup info above the DestroyObject part.




Also you will have to add a distance modifier in order for the player to have to be near it.

I was wrong. It is a bit more complicated that I made it out to be. i will include all that is need below.
first place ItemInteraction on the item ( not the empty) and player PlayerInteraction on the player. Make sure everything you want to interact with has a collider on it. this works for doors, containers, items, ect.
first is the player interaction script.

private void Update()



    {   float interactRange =2f;

        Collider[] colliderArray = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, interactRange);

        foreach(Collider collider in colliderArray)


            if (collider.TryGetComponent(out ItemInteraction itemInteraction))









This is the itemInteraction script.

public void Interact()


     Debug.Log("E to interact");


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