Another option to reorder tile objects in the hierarchy

If you don’t mind having your hierarchy in alphabetical order, you could go into “edit->preferences->general” and enable “Enable Alphanumeric Sorting”, this will give the hierarchy a little “AZ->” icon that you can press at any time to quickly sort your hierarchy instead of having to manually drag into sorted order.

I’d imagine you could write a script that would automatically check and reorder, or create a custom editor tool that could do it by specific object/specific sort.

A custom MenuItem could be the following; (this is heavily based on the solutions given in

public class SortCurrentLevelHierarchy : ScriptableObject
    [MenuItem("GameObject/Sort Current Level Children")]

    static void MenuAddChild() => Sort(Selection.activeTransform);

    static void Sort(Transform parent)
        List<Transform> children = parent.Cast<Transform>()
                                         .OrderBy(child =>
        children.ForEach(child => child.parent = null);
        children.ForEach(child => child.parent = parent);

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