Another aspect ratio problem but in Laser Defender

I already checked my canvas, game resolution and also I tried 540 x 960 and 960 x 600 in Build Settings already but no luck, I get the same result. Thank you for helping me out here, I just finished my game and I’m really excited to show my friends what I’ve been working on for a week now.

Hi Vien,

Did you delete the PlayerPrefs right before you built your game?

Hello, Nina. I’m not aware of PlayerPrefs, I don’t know what it is, I’m really sorry. But as far I’m aware of I haven’t deleted anything that shares the name and description. Btw the game is working fine on the editor screen, I’m having the same problem like last time but this one, I don’t really know what the problem is.

Hello, Nina. I found your solution on the Q n A section of the course and I followed thoroughly, everything works fine now, thanks you. But one last problem is that my UI underneath aren’t showing, the texts at least, I’ve tried anchoring it everywhere but nothing works, except of course to stretch since using it won’t make the texts appear at all.

I’m glad you managed to make your game work.

Regarding the missing(?) text, check its anchors.

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