Anisotropic shader is now located in the glossy BSDF

Anisotropic shader is now located in the glossy BSDF for anyone confused about why anisotropic is missing.


Good catch! It might also be useful to forgo the Glossy BSDF altogether and try to control anisotropy through the Specular controls inside of the Principled BSDF.

I’m curious if anyone is aware of any differences between the two, but if there aren’t, I tend to prefer being consistent and using the Principled BSDF unless otherwise needed – especially after the polishing it got in Blender 4.

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All those left side labels, are the basic material nodes. But in this (and new p4.0) panel they are already included for easier material texturing.

( I have an other schema, more explanatory, but I couldn’t find it).

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