Animtion Goes On


Everything works as it should and the AI stops following, patrolling etc, except the AI never stops firing!! Any Ideas??

Thanks in Advance,

One way you can fix it is by deleting your pawn after a reasonable delay after death.

I believe Sam introduces another way of fixing it later, but I forget what it is. I recall finding a couple ways of fixing it and a couple other problems Sam introduces later without mentioning its even a problem, then having my code turn into a mess later when Sam goes in and has us do other things to it later to fix… heh; fore be warned.

Isn’t being mislead such a fun process?

:grimacing: hah…Yea, i guess depossessing leaves that current animation playing endlessly, in the video though, sam shoots the AI from far and that does not produce the same result as it would if the AI had started the firing animation, leading me to think i might be doing something wrong!!! that got fixed with playing the death animation in the next video…

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I thought i did something wrong too!
Thats why I started fiddling with it; i noticed initially it seemed to have something to do with the code being repeatedly updated through the timeline.
Then i wound up with messy code that worked better then Sam’s fix later, but when we delved into de-possessing, adding that ONTOP of everything else I added, (plus sam foolishly never deletes pawns after death, and leaves a giant collision block in the game space) my really is what turned death into a nightmare.
However, after I die, I added an extra effect that pans into the sky after a 5 second wait. So there are 2 death cam animations.


Stop Anim Montage Is the great solution

Sorry Stop Anim Montage did not work second time, I don’t know why
But I have another solution at this time really solution :slight_smile:
mean idea is that remove loop of Fire_Additve Animation

and then set HEALTH variable

and of course we set Aiming and Shooting false

this logic is correct but I don’t know what Sam is going to do next Lecture

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